organicinternet / magento-configurable-simple

Enhancement to Magento to allow simple product prices to be used instead of the default special-case configurable product prices
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SCP causes paging to fail on listing pages? #81

Open FlikstRR opened 12 years ago

FlikstRR commented 12 years ago

When enabling SCP on our shop, it seems to work as it should with regards grabbing the pricing from the simple items etc so no issues or complaints there.. however on every catalog page now, we have no paging?? It drops the item count and always says '1'.

When disabling the extension it then returns to normal, so i know it 100% to be the extension, but i dont understand why this would happen on a listing/category page! The .JS file is not included on the listing page, so ruled that out and nothing has changed directly in the templates so I dont think its that, so something in the SCP code is modifying the collection entity?

Any help/advice is greatly recieved.

Example listing:

jcornado commented 11 years ago

You must add this code

public function getSelectCountSql()

        $select = parent::getSelectCountSql();

        return $select;

on OrganicInternet_SimpleConfigurableProducts_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Product_Collection class

I hope that help you. This works for me.