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Official Organic Maps website source code. Please contribute your translations!
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Correct weekly -> weeklong #108

Closed black-puppydog closed 1 year ago

black-puppydog commented 1 year ago

I think the meaning was supposed to be that the trip lasts a week, not that we do one trip every week. :)

Very cool project by the way, found out about it last week and have been loving it!

rtsisyk commented 1 year ago

Please add "Signed-off-by"

black-puppydog commented 1 year ago

@rtsisyk you mean me?

Sorry for the confusion, I did read the comment in the "Checks" tab, but don't understand what's exactly expected of me... Am I the one signing off? Or did you? I mean, sure I can use --sign-off but what difference does it make whether a total stranger on the interwebs signs off on their own commit? :D

biodranik commented 1 year ago

@black-puppydog contributors (including ourselves) sign their commits with the real contributor's name and email.

black-puppydog commented 1 year ago

Okay, done. I rebased and dropped your merge commit in the process, hope that was okay. I also changed the extra three translations that were added in the meantime.