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Add OpenStreetMap and Editing page #203

Open map-per opened 7 months ago

map-per commented 7 months ago

As suggested in it would be good to have a page that describes how to edit OSM data that can't be changed with the OrganicMaps editor.

This is my suggestion for the content:

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a database with map data for the entire world. Similar to Wikipedia the data can be used free of charge and is crowd-sourced by millions of volunteers. Organic Maps uses the data to generate beautiful and detailed maps for you.

Found wrong or missing data in the map?

Did you spot a shop that doesn't exist? Or is your favorite restaurant not on the map? No problem, you can easily fix that! All map data used in Organic Maps comes from (OSM). And, as OSM is crowd-sourced, anyone, including you, can contribute and fix errors or add missing data.

It's best to directly fix the problem yourself as described in the Editing OpenStreetMap section. But if you don't have time for that you can just leave an OSM Note for other contributors.

Editing OpenStreetMap

You want to add something that's missing on the map or want to fix an error? Join the community of volunteers that make OpenStreetMap possible. For beginners, it's best to use the ID Editor. If you don't have a computer with internet at hand, you can also use the basic Editor of Organic Maps that works offline.

ID Editor

ID is an easy-to-use, beginner-friendly editor for OpenStreetMap data. It runs in your browser, so no installation is required. You, however, need a computer, as the program is not optimized for smartphone screens. If you are new to OSM this is the editor to use.

For editing OpenStreetMap with ID follow these steps:

  1. Create or log into your account at
  2. Browse to the location you want to edit on and click Edit
  3. Start the Walkthrough and follow the short tutorial that explains the ID Editor
  4. Edit the map
  5. Upload your changes

That's it, you are now part of the OSM community. Wait for the next Organic Maps update to see the changes in your favorite map app.

What happens with my edits?

Once you press Upload your changes are instantly added to the public OSM database. So be considerate when editing. Your e-mail is not published, but other people will be able to see your OSM user name.

As OSM offers the possibility to discuss changes, you might get questions about your edits from other OSM contributors. You will be notified about this via the e-mail address you used for registering your OSM account. As OSM is a community project that builds on collaboration you should always answer such questions.

Community and Wiki

OpenStreetMap is a community. If you need help you can ask in the OSM Forum or take a look at the OSM Wiki documentation.

Tags - How the OSM datamodel works

The OpenStreetMap database contains Objects like Nodes, Ways, Areas, and Relations that abstract from real-world features. These Objects have Attributes, so-called Tags to further describe them. A Tag is a Key-Value combination.

As this sounds more complicated than it is we will give an example: A Restaurant is e.g. mapped as a Note or Area with the Tag amenity=restaurant. Further Tags like cousine=* or opening_hours=* can then be used for further details.

Note that the ID editor hides the internal data structure from the users to be more beginner-friendly. But for reading the Wiki documentation heaving a brief overview of the data structure is helpful. In the ID Editor, you can see the Tags that ID is hiding from you by expanding the Tags section in the Edit feature side panel.

Editing with Organic Maps

Organic Maps is first and foremost a map app. But it also offers a basic editor that you can use to easily add or fix map data on the fly. It only offers limited functionality and you can only add points of interest from a predefined list or edit properties like opening hours or cousine of existing places. Adding or editing roads or moving places to a new location is not possible. Unlike the ID Editor the built-in editor, however, works offline, once you download the map region. Changes are stored and uploaded to once you reconnect to the internet.

!!! In the Play Store Android version logging in with an OSM account is not possible at the moment (see Issue #7000) (31.01.2024) !!!

To edit OpenStreetMap directly from your Organic Maps app follow these steps:

  1. Create an account at if you don't already have one
  2. Log into your account in Organic Maps (burger icon -> settings -> OpenStreetMap-Profile)
  3. Now you can either edit existing places or add new ones
    • Edit existing place by taping on the icon and selecting edit place
      • Add additional information
      • Save your changes and exit using the check arrow
    • Add a place to the map
      • burger icon -> Add a place to the OpenStreetMap
      • Select the location as accurately as you can and press the check arrow
      • Select a category

        Can't find a category that fits? Then create an OSM Note.

      • Add additional information like the name, opening hours, and website
      • Save your changes and exit using the check arrow

Editing with Organic Maps is limited. If you can't edit something with the app you can use the ID Editor instead, or open an OSM Note at

OSM Notes - I don't have time for editing

If you don't have time or the problem is too complicated for editing the OSM data yourself OSM Notes (Wiki) are the way to go. You can place such a note in the location of the map error and describe the problem in detail. Other OSM volunteers can then help and solve the issue. You will get e-mail notifications via your OSM account in case they have further questions or the OSM Note is solved.

  1. Create or log into your account at

    You can also open anonymous Notes, but this is not recomended as you won't get notified when the issue is solved or there are further questions.

  2. Zoom to the map location on and press Add a note to the map (second icon from the bottom on the right menue). Then drag the blue map marker to the exact location.

    Try to be as precice as you can

  3. Provide a detailed description of the map problem and press Add Note

    For shops e.g. provide the name and mention what is sold there or what services are offered

biodranik commented 7 months ago

Awesome, thanks! We may make a FAQ page out of it, and link users there (and then include this FAQ page into the app for offline use).

CC @gpesquero @strump @oleg-PK

gpesquero commented 6 months ago

Hi @map-per!!

While we're still dealing to get the FAQs in the OM website in this PR, @oleg-PK created this Google Doc file where we're collecting all the possible FAQs that will be later included in the website.

With your (implicit) permission, I've created in the Doc file a new FAQ category named "OSM (OpenStreetMap)" and copied there all your above proposed contents in this issue.

I have not (yet) reviewed this content, as there might be some overlap with some of the FAQs that we already have under the "Map Data" category, where OSM edition from OM is also described.