organicmaps / organicmaps

🍃 Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by MapsWithMe (MapsMe) founders and our community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware. Please donate to support the development!
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[android] Migrate nav menu to bottom sheet behavior #2258

Closed arnaudvergnet closed 2 years ago

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

This is an early draft to convert the navigation menu to a bottom sheet. It continues the work done in for issue #1745.

For the moment I only managed to migrate from the NavMenu class to using BottomSheetBehavior. Code still need to be cleaned up and style needs to be updated to match work in

Changes to UX

Changes to UI

Here is a demo of the work so far.

biodranik commented 2 years ago

Do you plan to support dim? It is hard to open and close the menu while driving.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

I will see what I can do.

In my previous PR I used the BottomSheetDialogFragment class as base for the bottom sheet. This is a modal component so when it is shown it will have a background dim. But this dim is displayed when the sheet is visible, either in expanded or collapsed state (collapsed = visible at peek height).

Here I use the helper BottomSheetBehavior to create a standard bottom sheet. This is a permanent component because we want the bottom sheet to be always visible while navigating, so it will not show a dim.

I will experiment with two options

biodranik commented 2 years ago

The dim itself is not as important as the ability to partially hide back the navigation bar by touching anywhere.

biodranik commented 2 years ago

Or maybe I'm overestimating the importance of it… We may try it as is, without dim, and see how it goes. In the worst case, the driver will see a bit less map on the screen.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Or maybe I'm overestimating the importance of it… We may try it as is, without dim, and see how it goes. In the worst case, the driver will see a bit less map on the screen.

As the menu can be swiped down, this also makes it easier to hide it.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Worked a bit more on this and I ended up removing the toggle button (the arrow) and adding a handle. If you like this design I'll add it to the bottom sheets added in the previous PR.

I also improved the landscape mode. Now the bottom sheet only takes a small portion of the left side making it easier to see the map.

Portrait Portait expanded
Screenshot_1647901976 Screenshot_1647901979
Landscape Landscape expanded
Screenshot_1647901986 Screenshot_1647901989

What is your opinion on this?

biodranik commented 2 years ago

That looks good. Regarding dimming, I tried to use it in the car and found the ability to touch a dimmed area and hide the bottom sheet really useful.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

I added the background dim and this is the result

biodranik commented 2 years ago

Cool! Does a single tap to the bottom bar expand it too?

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Cool! Does a single tap to the bottom bar expand it too?

No, clicking on the bar toggle the date of arrival from relative to absolute. Swiping up is not that difficult I think. If we want a single click to open the menu, we will need to find another way to toggle between relative and absolutes arrival times.

biodranik commented 2 years ago

Now the menu icon is removed, and there is more space to keep both times on the screen.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Now the menu icon is removed, and there is more space to keep both times on the screen.

I will try to see how to rework the layout a bit to prevent issues in low DPI screens

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Managed to implement this behavior. This is now what the menu looks like. Both remaining and estimated times are shown

biodranik commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the screenshot!

  1. It would be hard to see a small text for many people. And it looks like there is plenty of space.
  2. Why blue color?
  3. It makes sense to save this branch and compare how it will look with "speed 3 min 11:31pm 1.4km" (note the longer US time format).
arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago
  1. It would be hard to see a small text for many people. And it looks like there is plenty of space.

There is plenty of space because the phone I use has a large screen. It may note be the case everywhere. How would you rearrange the different number?

  1. Why blue color?

I used the app's accent color but I can use a different one. I felt making the remaining time colors would bring attention to it because it is often what we want to know when navigating.

  1. It makes sense to save this branch and compare how it will look with "speed 3 min 11:31pm 1.4km" (note the longer US time format).

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want me to do here. In the screenshot I already use the long US format.

biodranik commented 2 years ago

I meant displaying everything in one line. Display eta and then arrival time together, not under each other.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Does this look better?

portrait landscape
Screenshot_1648108052 Screenshot_1648108058
biodranik commented 2 years ago

No. I would make all texts larger and in one line, including the speed and distance.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Making everything on one line would break on small density screens. Here is what it would look like on a Nexus One:


As you can see most of the text is truncated.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Here are examples from apple maps (left) and google maps (right):


biodranik commented 2 years ago

If we remove the current speed (which should go separately to work with speed limits), then everything will fit. Ok, let's leave it for the future.

Coming back to your initial proposal:

  1. It makes sense to make fonts even larger to see them better.
  2. The horizontal line above the time doesn't look good, especially if you increase the font. Are there any other ideas how to make it look better?
arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago
  1. It makes sense to make fonts even larger to see them better.

I made the menu a bit higher with bigger fonts for dimensions/time estimate.

  1. The horizontal line above the time doesn't look good, especially if you increase the font. Are there any other ideas how to make it look better?

Are you talking about the bottom sheet handle? If so I made it thinner and using a lighter color so that it stands out less.

Here is the result (open the first draft and this one in tabs side by side to clearly see the changes)

portrait landscape
Screenshot_1648194835 Screenshot_1648194846
biodranik commented 2 years ago

It's better, but bold numbers are still too small to see them with non-ideal eyesight when the device is on the car's panel.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Here is another test with even bigger fonts everywhere. Again open tabs side by side to see the changes.

portrait landscape
Screenshot_1648194846 Screenshot_1648194835
biodranik commented 2 years ago

Looks great! What do you think?

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Yes I'm quite satisfied with the result, I'll push the changes.

Maybe if you have time you can try to see if it looks good on a car dashboard (I don't have one). I'll keep this PR as draft while I try to find/fix bugs and refactor a bit. I'll notify you when it is ready.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

The old navigation menu and the main menu (the bar at the bottom with 4 icons) were using the same base class BaseMenu so I needed to refactor a bit. But I got carried away and completely reworked the main menu so the diff grew in size.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

@biodranik it looks ready for me. Tell me if you find any issue with the PR.

pastk commented 2 years ago

I love the change! Looks nice and sleek! Tested on 5.0 emulator and 9.0 hardware device.

If system font size is increased then the text doesn't fit vertically: navbar

Is it possible to make the navbar autosize vertically?

Another minor issue (though not sure its related to this PR). Too much space above "the handle": Screenshot_1648467471

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

If system font size is increased then the text doesn't fit vertically

Did not think about that use case, I will see what I can do because it might also overflow horizontally.

Another minor issue (though not sure its related to this PR). Too much space above "the handle":

This PR does not change the place page, this will come later :)

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Managed to handle the system font scaling by computing the bottom sheet peek height dynamically. Height is computed on layout change so it will work even if you change the font scaling while navigating.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay I did not have time to work on the PR recently. I'll make the changes this week.

Regarding code style, there is a real need for a linter to check and apply styling in the Android app. Nobody wants to spend time adjusting spaces and line returns. I can work on a separate PR to at least introduce an EditorConfig developers can import in Android studio or any other IDE to automatically format files.

But in the long term, the whole app should be reformatted using this new config (this should be carefully planned out as it will probably change every file), and there should be a GitHub action to check styling for new contributions. This way nobody will spend more time on this and the code will stay consistent. An example tool for this is checkstyle.

pastk commented 2 years ago

Please check android/code_style_scheme.xml. Not sure if all the project adheres to it though.. And we should mention it in the docs, of course!

biodranik commented 2 years ago
  1. There is already a config in android/code_style_scheme.xml and in tools/android/
  2. Let's not change the existing code style ATM to avoid unnecessary history changes (that's why I've mentioned unnecessary spaces).

A whole reformatting can be done later when github will support this feature properly:

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

I fixed everything, I'll make a PR to update the doc and explain how to import the code style.

arnaudvergnet commented 2 years ago

The old bottomsheet implementation was already removed in the previous PR:

The previous nav menu was using a custom implementation, it was not using any dependency.

The other third party bottomsheet implementation is com.trafi:anchor-bottom-sheet-behavior, which is only used by the place page.

So for this PR the refactoring is done unless you find something else to change.