organicmaps / organicmaps

🍃 Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by MapsWithMe (MapsMe) founders and our community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware. Please donate to support the development!
Apache License 2.0
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Please use `geo:` URL in "Share my location" #7916

Open jech opened 2 weeks ago

jech commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the issue Please write a clear and concise description of the issue here.

When I choose "Share my location", the message proposed by OM contains a om: URL and a URL, both of which are proprietary URLs intimately linked to Organic Maps. There appears to be no way to configure OM to use a geo: URL instead, which works with any maps software.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to ≡
  2. Click on Share my location
  3. Notice that there is no provider-neutral URL.

Expected behaviour

OM should share my location as a geo: URL, as defined in RFC 5870. It should also refrain from including promotional messages ("Don't have? Download here!")

biodranik commented 2 weeks ago

Default geo: URL goes without slashes (geo://) and is not decoded by any software automatically, only if it is a part of a clickable hyperlink. Do you have examples of other apps that successfully share non-hyperlinked (plain text) geo links that are properly clickable/opened by other apps?

jech commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have examples of other apps that successfully share non-hyperlinked (plain text) geo links

FairEmail does the right thing. Sadly, LinegeOS's messaging app does not. I'll be glad to report a bug with them if you implement geo: in OM's sharing dialog.

biodranik commented 2 weeks ago

Is it the only app that can decode geo: links? Generate links (present in every shared message) that are only useful in a specific app doesn't sound right.

biodranik commented 2 weeks ago

Does FairMail highlight to you this text and make it clickable? geo:37.786971,-122.399677?z=17

jech commented 2 weeks ago

Does FairMail highlight to you this text and make it clickable? geo:37.786971,-122.399677?z=17

No, it does not. On the other hand, it parses the following:


It looks like neither negative numbers nor decimal points are parsed correctly. I've just filed a bug with FairEmail

jech commented 2 weeks ago

Is it the only app that can decode geo: links?

I don't know, FairEmail and SMS are the only messaging apps I use on my phone. (To be frank, I'm quite saddened by what you just demonstrated to me, I'd expect geo: links to be more widely supported.)

Generate links (present in every shared message) that are only useful in a specific app doesn't sound right.

I understand, but I think it's a chicken and egg problem. Perhaps OM could include geo: links in addition to the proprietary links?

biodranik commented 2 weeks ago

One of the ideas is to pass plain text coordinates instead of custom encoding:

jech commented 2 weeks ago

It's a slight improvement, but it still means you need Internet access. The promise (sadly unrealised, as you've shown to me) of geo: links is that they are application-agnostic while not relying on an Internet service.

biodranik commented 2 weeks ago

No, you don't need the internet access to open links if you have Organic Maps installed. Click on such links should open OM. If it doesn't, please let us know so we can check and fix it.ürich

jech commented 2 weeks ago

You're assuming that my correspondents use OrganicMaps. Sadly, that's not the case.