orgua / OneWireHub

OneWire slave device emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0
343 stars 86 forks source link

Slave on Digistump ATTiny85 (rev.3, china) #81

Closed joachim198 closed 4 years ago

joachim198 commented 4 years ago

I had problems using onewirehub on my chinese Digistump. Pin 3 & 4 were not working for onewire (USB ports). Pin 5 was configured as reset. (You can try to pulldown Pin5 with a 220Ohm resistor to ground, if the program stops "voila!" its a reset). Pin 0 and 2 are in usage with I2C over tinyWireM. So Pin1 was the only left, but it only worked when removing the led connected to Pin1. And now it works! Thanks a lot for this library! main.txt

eigenein commented 4 years ago

Hi @joachim198,

I'm trying to implement a similar thingy and struggling with my master not being able to recognise my slave. Since you managed to get it working, could you share more details please?

orgua commented 4 years ago

hi @eigenein: a forum would be a better starting-point for this kind of development, because it is not software-related. There is a general instruction on the main on and also some hints for attiny: use pin2 or pin3 for Attiny, source: