Firstly it is a really cool library. Congrats on that.
But your sample app crashes when minifyEnabled option to true. I believe proguard is causing this exception. I have added this library in my app , same exception occurs when minifyenabled to true. So please give proguard flags to avoid this exception.
i should set minifyEnabled to true to reduce the apk size.
Currently I'm working on this library for the next version. Indeed the problem is proguard. Each analytic tools requires different proguard files and currently couldn't find enough time to set them.
hi, Firstly it is a really cool library. Congrats on that. But your sample app crashes when minifyEnabled option to true. I believe proguard is causing this exception. I have added this library in my app , same exception occurs when minifyenabled to true. So please give proguard flags to avoid this exception.
i should set minifyEnabled to true to reduce the apk size.