orhun / git-cliff

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Add option for not bump major version #677

Open m47730 opened 1 month ago

m47730 commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue or pull request for this?

Feature description

Hi, first of all: thanks for this tool, i love it!

I'm trying to briefly explain my needs: in some scenario i have two version of a library (one for a language version and one for another), in this case i simply use master to advance and a branch release-1.x to keep the versioning for the old language and i want to keep 1.x.x semver.

So it could be very helpful to have an option like features_never_bump_major and breaking_never_bump_major or something else to assure that the bump is never for major

Desired solution

add some option to avoid major bumping

Alternatives considered

i could add some enforcing on ci or git hooks to avoid commit description with potential major bump, but is cumbersome and error prone

Additional context

No response

welcome[bot] commented 1 month ago

Thanks for opening your first issue at git-cliff! Be sure to follow the issue template! ā›°ļø

orhun commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for reporting this! šŸ»

git-cliff uses the next_version crate for bumping the version. It might be better to ask the maintainer of that crate @MarcoIeni regarding if a new config option like that would be applicable or not :)

MarcoIeni commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm truly sorry, but I'm not keen to add this option. It seems like a very unique use case, and I don't want to complicate the codebase to add it. Again, sorry! I hope you find a workaround.

MarcoIeni commented 1 month ago

Orhun, if you want to implement this feature in git-cliff, I'm happy to help. E.g. if git-cliff has the features_never_bump_major set, and the library next_version returns a major bump, you could instead bump the minor version yourself.

orhun commented 1 month ago

I think the best way would be to have this functionality in next_version not to segregate things. But it's fine, I guess we can do it here too.

next_version returns a major bump, you could instead bump the minor version yourself.

How can we check if the returned version is major bump etc?

mbodmer commented 1 month ago

I think it would make the most sense if the default behavior would be according to: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/semver.html

Initial development releases starting with ā€œ0.y.zā€ can treat changes in ā€œyā€ as a major release, and ā€œzā€ as a minor release. ā€œ0.0.zā€ releases are always major changes. This is because Cargo uses the convention that only changes in the left-most non-zero component are considered incompatible.

The option breaking_always_bump_major is still ok and can be respected when set, alternatively it's default value could be auto

MarcoIeni commented 1 month ago

Could we maybe reuse the mechanism of https://github.com/MarcoIeni/release-plz/commit/0a97ba40c8600190d0150239ffeed2eea900c53a

Eg we specify feat to as a patch bump. So that it doesn't bump minor. šŸ¤”

For breaking changes there could be something similar šŸ¤”šŸ¤” (I know it's very similar to what was proposed in this issue šŸ˜…).

Btw Orhun, I'm on mobile, so I'm not sure how you invoke next_version. But to check if a major has been updated, you could simply compare the two major versions (before and after the bump). The next_version crate exposes some functionalities to do the bump manually.

Have a look at:

mbodmer, the behavior you described is already the default šŸ‘

braineo commented 3 weeks ago

Could we maybe reuse the mechanism of MarcoIeni/release-plz@0a97ba4

Eg we specify feat to as a patch bump. So that it doesn't bump minor. šŸ¤”

For breaking changes there could be something similar šŸ¤”šŸ¤” (I know it's very similar to what was proposed in this issue šŸ˜…).

Btw Orhun, I'm on mobile, so I'm not sure how you invoke next_version. But to check if a major has been updated, you could simply compare the two major versions (before and after the bump). The next_version crate exposes some functionalities to do the bump manually.

Have a look at:

mbodmer, the behavior you described is already the default šŸ‘

do you think adding a flag to specify the bump version type to use increment_xxx api in the next_version can be considered?

i come from standard-version and wonder if there is anything equivalent to --release-as in that

MarcoIeni commented 3 weeks ago

You can already do this without adding another option. Check out the links I posted above.

braineo commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry. Do you mean there is already a way to specify bump type in git-cliff? I saw your link to next_version and release-plz. I must be missing something here.

MarcoIeni commented 3 weeks ago

No, I'm talking about the next_version library. I didn't get your request was for git cliff šŸ‘

braineo commented 2 weeks ago

No, I'm talking about the next_version library. I didn't get your request was for git cliff šŸ‘

thanks, i made use of the api and made a pr in https://github.com/orhun/git-cliff/pull/744