Open RajS999 opened 11 months ago
I guess capturing very tiny amount of data doesnt work. I tried capturing few seconds of data (for quickly checking if the whole pipeline will eventually work or not), even though doc says that we must record at least 1 hour of data, preferably at least 3 hours of data. I recorded data for 21 hours and it worked. Still I will like someone confirm that we should indeed get ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs
error when working with small amount of data.
Could you solve this issue?
I cannot explain what is wrong with small amount of data, but I have myself run into this issue with a 65s dataset, and solved it by recording for 3 hours. Checking into allan_variance.csv, I see that it indeed contained NaN values for the small dataset. Probably some statistics can only be calculated when enough data is gathered.
I am trying to calculate accel and gyro noise and random walk for Intel realsense. I quickly generated imu csv in the format specified here using custom CPP script for just 3 seconds. I wanted to check if it will work or not before recording 20 hours of IMU data.
I created ros bag from csv by running:
Checking the bag created:
Then I converted it to allan variance compliant bag by running:
Checking the bag created:
I created allan variance config file imu_confog.yaml:
(I also tried with both rates 400, no luck.)
Here is how my data folder looks like:
Then I run allan variance:
And finally run
But as you can see it is giving error
array must not contain infs or NaNs
. Turns out there are some NaNs in allan_variance.csv file generated. What I am doing wrong here?I have uploaded all bags and csv file on drive here.