Worse, when running in Java I am getting duplicate record problems, which I think is because the code is not finding the existing vertex due to the above, and is then trying to create rather than update it.
I have discovered that adding an additional index:
create index type_index ON V_Entity (entityType) NOTUNIQUE;
appears to work around the problem, although I'd feel better if I understood why.
I am creating a class and index as follows:
Then using the 3.2.3 driver via Gremlin console (connecting to 2.2.17 OrientDB server), I do:
Doing any of:
returns the vertex, however:
does not.
Worse, when running in Java I am getting duplicate record problems, which I think is because the code is not finding the existing vertex due to the above, and is then trying to create rather than update it.
I have discovered that adding an additional index:
appears to work around the problem, although I'd feel better if I understood why.