orientechnologies / orientdb-studio

Studio web tool
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Invalid: enter the studio console without entering your username/password (was cached) #489

Closed ZFahey closed 7 years ago

ZFahey commented 7 years ago

I start up OrientDB, and instead of going on http://localhost:2480, I directly visit the url to one of the console pages, such as http://localhost:2480/studio/index.html#/database/Graph/schema. I can explore around the page and perform actions as the root user, and at no point am I asked for credentials. Going to the url after visiting the homepage initially doesn't create this problem, and credentials are correctly asked for. I am running OrientDB on a local machine, and I have not checked any other environments.

lvca commented 7 years ago

@ZFahey it looks like the browser cached the user/password you already inserted before. Are you able to reproduce it by clearing the cookie/cache from the browser?

lvca commented 7 years ago

Aso, that release?

ZFahey commented 7 years ago

Clearing the cache did make the issue disappear. I'll just close this issue, then.