orientdb> CONNECT plocal:../databases/enterprise/ admin admin
Disconnecting from the database [null]...OK
Connecting to database [plocal:../databases/enterprise/] with user 'admin'...
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open local storage '../database/enterprise' with mode=rw
DB name="enterprise"
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot open the storage 'enterprise' because it does not exist in path: ../database/enterprise
DB name="enterprise"
I try to open a database by console, but the exception show the wrong "database" dir, it should be "databases"
I try to open a database by console, but the exception show the wrong "database" dir, it should be "databases"
BTW, I use 2.2.6-snapshot in centos 7 with jdk 8