orientechnologies / orientdb

OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries.
Apache License 2.0
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"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" on massive Insert #3517

Closed AlexanderRay closed 9 years ago

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago


I got an OutOfMemoryError while inserting about 10^6 Nodes in a OrientGraph.


2015-02-03 11:18:03:156 INFO  OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE=13,880MB (heap=455MB os=16,384MB disk=105,812MB) [orientechnologies]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:160 INFO  Loading configuration from: /usr/local/Cellar/orientdb/2.0.1/libexec/config/orientdb-server-config.xml... [OServerConfigurationLoaderXml]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:398 INFO  OrientDB Server v2.0.1 (build UNKNOWN@r; 2015-01-28 18:33:00+0000) is starting up... [OServer]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:432 INFO  Databases directory: /usr/local/Cellar/orientdb/2.0.1/libexec/databases [OServer]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:487 INFO  Listening binary connections on (protocol v.28, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:489 INFO  Listening http connections on (protocol v.10, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:509 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-lucene-2.0-dist.jar'... [OServerPluginManager]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:661 INFO  Lucene index plugin installed and active. Lucene version: LUCENE_47 [OLuceneIndexPlugin]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:663 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'studio-2.0.zip'... [OServerPluginManager]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:692 INFO  Installing GREMLIN language v.2.6.0 - graph.pool.max=50 [OGraphServerHandler]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:693 INFO  [OVariableParser.resolveVariables] Error on resolving property: distributed [orientechnologies]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:694 INFO  Installing Script interpreter. WARN: authenticated clients can execute any kind of code into the server by using the following allowed languages: [sql] [OServerSideScriptInterpreter]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:695 INFO  OrientDB Server v2.0.1 is active. [OServer]%                                                               14:03 log master ❯ cat orientdb.err

2015-02-03 11:18:03:155 INFO  OrientDB auto-config DISKCACHE=13,880MB (heap=455MB os=16,384MB disk=105,812MB) [orientechnologies]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:160 INFO  Loading configuration from: /usr/local/Cellar/orientdb/2.0.1/libexec/config/orientdb-server-config.xml... [OServerConfigurationLoaderXml]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:397 INFO  OrientDB Server v2.0.1 (build UNKNOWN@r; 2015-01-28 18:33:00+0000) is starting up... [OServer]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:432 INFO  Databases directory: /usr/local/Cellar/orientdb/2.0.1/libexec/databases [OServer]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:487 INFO  Listening binary connections on (protocol v.28, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:488 INFO  Listening http connections on (protocol v.10, socket=default) [OServerNetworkListener]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:509 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'orientdb-lucene-2.0-dist.jar'... [OServerPluginManager]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:660 INFO  Lucene index plugin installed and active. Lucene version: LUCENE_47 [OLuceneIndexPlugin]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:663 INFO  Installing dynamic plugin 'studio-2.0.zip'... [OServerPluginManager]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:692 INFO  Installing GREMLIN language v.2.6.0 - graph.pool.max=50 [OGraphServerHandler]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:692 INFO  [OVariableParser.resolveVariables] Error on resolving property: distributed [orientechnologies]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:694 INFO  Installing Script interpreter. WARN: authenticated clients can execute any kind of code into the server by using the following allowed languages: [sql] [OServerSideScriptInterpreter]
2015-02-03 11:18:03:694 INFO  OrientDB Server v2.0.1 is active. [OServer]Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
    at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$EntrySetView.iterator(ConcurrentHashMap.java:4746)
    at com.orientechnologies.orient.server.plugin.OServerPluginManager.updatePlugins(OServerPluginManager.java:277)

Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "Timer-0"
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
    at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(Arrays.java:3664)
    at java.lang.String.<init>(String.java:201)
    at java.lang.StringBuilder.toString(StringBuilder.java:407)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamField.getClassSignature(ObjectStreamField.java:322)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamField.<init>(ObjectStreamField.java:140)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.matchFields(ObjectStreamClass.java:2259)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.getReflector(ObjectStreamClass.java:2149)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.<init>(ObjectStreamClass.java:517)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.lookup(ObjectStreamClass.java:365)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.<init>(ObjectStreamClass.java:464)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.lookup(ObjectStreamClass.java:365)
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.<init>(ObjectStreamClass.java:464)Exception in thread "OrientDB <- BinaryClient (/" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

a test class in scala:

package model.orientdb

import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.intent.OIntentMassiveInsert
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.{OrientVertex, OrientGraphFactory, OrientGraph}
import org.scalatest._
import de.softamrhein.Logger

class OrientDBGraphAPISpec extends FlatSpecLike
  with BeforeAndAfter
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with Matchers
  with Logger

  var factory: OrientGraphFactory = null
  var graph: OrientGraph = null

  override def beforeAll() = {
    factory = new OrientGraphFactory("remote:localhost/test")

  override def afterAll() = {

  before {
    graph = factory.getTx
    graph.getRawGraph.declareIntent( new OIntentMassiveInsert() );

  after {

  "Graph" can "remove everything" in {

    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex Structure")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex StructureNode")).execute()

    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge childNode")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge rootNode")).execute()


  def createStructure(ident: String, nodePrefix: String, levelCount: Int, nodesPerLevel: Int) = {

    val structureVertex = graph.addVertex("class:Structure", "ident", ident)

    def loop (currentLevel: Int, parentVertex: OrientVertex, edgeClass: String): Unit = {

      if (currentLevel < levelCount) {

        (1 to nodesPerLevel).foreach { idx =>

          val nodeVertex = graph.addVertex("class:StructureNode", "ident", nodePrefix + '-' + currentLevel + '-' + idx)
          parentVertex.addEdge(edgeClass, nodeVertex, edgeClass)

          loop(currentLevel + 1, nodeVertex, "childNode")



    loop(0, structureVertex, "rootNode")

  it can "create small 1-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-1-level", "Node1l", 1, 10)

  it can "create 2-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-2-level", "Node2l", 2, 10)

  it can "create 3-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-3-level", "Node3l", 3, 10)

  it can "create 4-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-4-level", "Node4l", 4, 10)

  it can "create 5-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-5-level", "Node5l", 5, 10)

  it can "create 6-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-6-level", "Node6l", 6, 10)
rtc-draper commented 9 years ago

There's a thread on working around this issue here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5839359/java-lang-outofmemoryerror-gc-overhead-limit-exceeded

I recommend trying with the GC limit turned off first, then trying one of the other options.

8forty commented 9 years ago

I don't know Scala, but FWIW in Java we've had up the heap memory in the orient server (and turn down the off-heap cache memory accordingly) to support multi-threaded clients writing to the database.

jingjingbic commented 9 years ago

I am getting the same error in my inserts too. I am using OrientDB 2.0.1. Our application uses embedded server and access data through java API.

Thanks, Jing

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

more infos after some recharge:

  1. database "remote:..." - no one of java setting helps. if I use -Xmx8g then it runs without any GC-Errors, but the tests wasn't also finished after 2 hours
  2. database "plocal:..."
    • first run (= new/empty database):

screen shot 2015-02-04 at 14 29 21 screen shot 2015-02-04 at 15 05 10

ca. 11500 records per second. its ok. not 150.000 -) records per second. but its ok.

* second run (= at first delete the records from the first run):

after 20 minutes :

screen shot 2015-02-04 at 14 56 56 its create a huge file and breaks because of insufficient free space. ok, I have only 110 GB free on the test drive. but I don't think it is a right behavior

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

if it helps, I can create an java-test-project or upload my scala-test-project to github ...

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

Hi, I suppose you insert 10^6 Nodes in single transaction, do not you ?

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:

if it helps, I can create an java-test-project or upload my scala-test-project to github ...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-72863125 .

Best regards, Andrey Lomakin.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

yes. I do it in a single transaction. because I need that a database is always in a consistent state. in my workflows I need to import/create till to 10^8 records in a single transaction and be able to rollback if something going wrong ...

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

That is reason of huge wal file. We need to log whole tx operation as single unit. That is reason of OOM too. Could you split your tx in few smaller txs.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:


— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-72867713 .

Best regards, Andrey Lomakin.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

the huge wal file was created only on the second run. after the Vertexes und Edges from the first run were deleted and the transaction was commited

  before {
    graph = factory.getTx
    graph.getRawGraph.declareIntent( new OIntentMassiveInsert() );

  after {

  "Graph" can "remove everything" in {
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex Structure")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex StructureNode")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge childNode")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge rootNode")).execute()
andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

It is created when tx is commited, but before this all data is collected in heap.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:07 PM, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:

the huge wal file was created only on the second run. after the Vertexes und Edges was deleted and the transaction was commited

before { graph = factory.getTx graph.getRawGraph.declareIntent( new OIntentMassiveInsert() ); }

after { graph.commit() graph.shutdown() }

"Graph" can "remove everything" in { graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex Structure")).execute() graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex StructureNode")).execute() graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge childNode")).execute() graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge rootNode")).execute() assert(true) }

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-72870669 .

Best regards, Andrey Lomakin.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

i see, it was created in the test "create 6-level structure" during commit.

  1. only at the second run (the database was logically in the same state as at the first run)
  2. for the purpose need the database engine that huge (>100GB) wal file by commitment only about 1.000.000 simple records?
AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

ok. I see your point. therefore the question:

what are the transaction usage constraints, so that orientdb-engine can handle the commitment properly?

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

Hi Alexander, I think in 2.1 we will implement early OOM detection mechanics, if we have risk of OOM we will rollback tx will suggest to decrease amount of operations and repeat tx, it will allow to avoid puzzled OOM errors.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:

ok. I see your point. therefore the question:

what are the transaction limits, so that orientdb-engine can handle the commitment properly?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-72876952 .

Best regards, Andrey Lomakin.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago


  1. what are the guidelines for using transactions?
  2. some tests results without transaction (graph = factory.getNoTx) :
    • first run wotx - 1 run it is slower as with Tx ca. 7200 records per second
    • second run screen shot 2015-02-05 at 09 35 06 screen shot 2015-02-05 at 09 34 40
      • much more slower as the first run (ca x10 slower)
      • creates about 700 wal files, each ca 150 MB
lvca commented 9 years ago

Can you share the piece of code that write to the database? Are you executing SQL statements to create vertices and edges?


On 5 February 2015 at 09:43, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:


  1. what are the guidelines for using transactions?
  2. some tests result without transaction (graph = factory.getNoTx)
  3. first run [image: wotx - 1 run] https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/786006/6057120/a72fa4ea-ad1a-11e4-988a-2455c0e1cf6b.png it is slower as with Tx ca. 7200 records per second
  4. second run [image: screen shot 2015-02-05 at 09 35 06] https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/786006/6057138/d7a74466-ad1a-11e4-9033-718e0c46b4c6.png [image: screen shot 2015-02-05 at 09 34 40] https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/786006/6057140/dab65c28-ad1a-11e4-97aa-5db76c2e304c.png
    • more slower as the first run
    • creates about 700 wal files, each ca 150 MB

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-73012354 .

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

here is the last version of the test file

function createTestClasses - database initialisation on the first run test "Graph" can "remove everything" - clear database on the second run function createStructure - creates a simple n-level tree structure

graph.commit are placed in the function createStructure and not in after (each) routine because of time measurements

  1. first run: createNewDatabase = true
  2. second run: createNewDatabase = false

if you need a complete test-project, I can cleanup it and upload to github

 * User: Alexander Ray

package model.orientdb

import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.intent.OIntentMassiveInsert
import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.{OrientBaseGraph, OrientVertex, OrientGraphFactory, OrientGraph}
import org.scalatest._
import de.softamrhein.Logger
import scalax.file.Path

class OrientDBGraphAPISpec extends FlatSpecLike
  with BeforeAndAfter
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with Matchers
  with Logger

  var factory: OrientGraphFactory = null
  var graph: OrientBaseGraph = null
  val dbPath = "/Users/alexanderray/Develop/orientdb/databases/test"

  val createNewDatabase = false
  val localDatabase = true
  val useTx = false

  def createTestClasses() = {
    val g = factory.getNoTx

    g.command(new OCommandSQL("create class Structure extends V")).execute()
    g.command(new OCommandSQL("create class StructureNode extends V")).execute()
    g.command(new OCommandSQL("create property StructureNode.ident STRING")).execute()

    g.command(new OCommandSQL("create class rootNode extends E")).execute()
    g.command(new OCommandSQL("create class childNode extends E")).execute()


  override def beforeAll() = {
    if (createNewDatabase && localDatabase) {
      val path: Path = Path.fromString (dbPath)
      path.deleteRecursively(continueOnFailure = false)

    factory = new OrientGraphFactory(if (localDatabase) "plocal:/" + dbPath else "remote:localhost/test")

    if (createNewDatabase && localDatabase) createTestClasses()

  override def afterAll() = {

  before {
    graph = if (useTx) factory.getTx else factory.getNoTx
    graph.getRawGraph.declareIntent( new OIntentMassiveInsert() );

  after {

  "Graph" can "remove everything" in {

    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex Structure")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Vertex StructureNode")).execute()

    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge childNode")).execute()
    graph.command(new OCommandSQL("delete Edge rootNode")).execute()


  def createStructure(ident: String, nodePrefix: String, levelCount: Int, nodesPerLevel: Int) = {

    val structureVertex = graph.addVertex("class:Structure", "ident", ident)

    def loop (currentLevel: Int, parentVertex: OrientVertex, edgeClass: String): Unit = {

      if (currentLevel < levelCount) {

        (1 to nodesPerLevel).foreach { idx =>

          val nodeVertex = graph.addVertex("class:StructureNode", "ident", nodePrefix + '-' + currentLevel + '-' + idx)
          parentVertex.addEdge(edgeClass, nodeVertex, edgeClass)

          loop(currentLevel + 1, nodeVertex, "childNode")



    loop(0, structureVertex, "rootNode")

    if (useTx) graph.commit()

  it can "create small 1-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-1-level", "Node1l", 1, 10)

  it can "create 2-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-2-level", "Node2l", 2, 10)

  it can "create 3-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-3-level", "Node3l", 3, 10)

  it can "create 4-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-4-level", "Node4l", 4, 10)

  it can "create 5-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-5-level", "Node5l", 5, 10)

  it can "create 6-level structure" in {
    createStructure("structure-6-level", "Node6l", 6, 10)
lvca commented 9 years ago

Ok, seems in your loop you have too many objects in transactions (that is RAM consuming). Try rather to put this inside the loop:

if( useTx && currentLevel % 500 == 0 )
lvca commented 9 years ago

In this way you commit every 500 items.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

transactions in the last test were disabled (val useTx = false)

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

what is the difference between small transactions and no transactions? after first small transaction database is in a "dirty-inconsistent-state". and I can't properly rollback it anymore to a clean-begin-state in case on some failure ...

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

test with small - 500 items - transactions

new code

def createStructure(ident: String, nodePrefix: String, levelCount: Int, nodesPerLevel: Int) = {

    val structureVertex = graph.addVertex("class:Structure", "ident", ident)
    var cnt = 0

    def loop (currentLevel: Int, parentVertex: OrientVertex, edgeClass: String): Unit = {

      if (currentLevel < levelCount) {

        (1 to nodesPerLevel).foreach { idx =>

          val nodeVertex = graph.addVertex("class:StructureNode", "ident", nodePrefix + '-' + currentLevel + '-' + idx)
          parentVertex.addEdge(edgeClass, nodeVertex, edgeClass)

          cnt += 1

          if( useTx && cnt % 500 == 0 )

          loop(currentLevel + 1, nodeVertex, "childNode")



    loop(0, structureVertex, "rootNode")

    if (useTx) graph.commit()

same behavior as before

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

It is already fixed in 2.0.2 could you try it ?

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 8:14 PM, Alexander Ray notifications@github.com wrote:

test with small - 500 items

new code

def createStructure(ident: String, nodePrefix: String, levelCount: Int, nodesPerLevel: Int) = {

val structureVertex = graph.addVertex("class:Structure", "ident", ident)
var cnt = 0

def loop (currentLevel: Int, parentVertex: OrientVertex, edgeClass: String): Unit = {

  if (currentLevel < levelCount) {

    (1 to nodesPerLevel).foreach { idx =>

      val nodeVertex = graph.addVertex("class:StructureNode", "ident", nodePrefix + '-' + currentLevel + '-' + idx)
      parentVertex.addEdge(edgeClass, nodeVertex, edgeClass)

      cnt += 1

      if( useTx && cnt % 500 == 0 )

      loop(currentLevel + 1, nodeVertex, "childNode")



loop(0, structureVertex, "rootNode")

if (useTx) graph.commit()



first run [image: screen shot 2015-02-05 at 18 44 41] https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/786006/6066120/e3399c8e-ad6a-11e4-86f1-d9a3b602a0e6.png

second run [image: screen shot 2015-02-05 at 19 10 15] https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/786006/6066123/ef5d7b5c-ad6a-11e4-9df9-4aa76c893746.png

same behavior as before

  • creates 600 wal files for 100 GB
  • breakes because of low disc space

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/3517#issuecomment-73096709 .

Best regards, Andrey Lomakin.

lvca commented 9 years ago

This is the URL of last 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT: https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/orientechnologies/orientdb-community/2.0.2-SNAPSHOT/orientdb-community-2.0.2-20150205.232920-6-distribution.tar.gz

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

without TX - same behavior as before

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

with small (500 records) Tx - same behavior as before

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

may be the test-project is linked with wrong libraries, how can I log the current library version at runtime?

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

with one big Tx - same behavior as before

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

Alexander did you try on 2.0.2 snapshot ?

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

It should be INFO OrientDB Server v2.0.2 is active. Did you see such message ?

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

You may try to download distribution from there https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7l62cd7fgdshy7/orientdb-community-2.0.2-SNAPSHOT-distribution.zip?dl=0

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago
  1. yes. I have tried it with both snapshot versions above and copied the lib folder to my project ...
  2. if I use "plocal" database, then it runs with out any active orientdb server, just linked jars ...
  3. inside of IntelliJ the right libraries are linked to project,
  4. but, may be, at runtime sbt (scala build tool) links something wrong. how can I log at runtime the library versions?
AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

so, I have created a war file, it contains right (2.0.2-snapshot) libraries ..

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

ok. if test will fail again I will try to repeat the same on my side.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

it is. I have tested it already with the snapshot from dropbox. same results ... on a second run test 6 fails because of many/huge wal files

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

no way, ok I will try it locally

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

I ran several times and had only one wal file after test ends.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

ok, should I upload my test-project? or can you upload yours?

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

few seconds I have found reason

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

Could you try now same link to distribution.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

which one?

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago


AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

also, it creates many wal files as before ... in test 5. for commit in about 100.000 records, orientdb creates about 60 wal files each ca 150MB, also about 10GB of wal files for commitment of 100.000 records. why?

test 6 runs, for now 219 wal files ...

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

screen shot 2015-02-06 at 16 57 20 screen shot 2015-02-06 at 16 59 56

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

also, nothing changes

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

I repeated your test and all work, it means that you use old distribution. Is it possible for you to build from sources ? branch hotfix-2.0.2

lvca commented 9 years ago

Guys, I can force upload on maven if needed.

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

I use that one:

screen shot 2015-02-06 at 17 25 05

ehh .. ok, i'll try it ...

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

it fails' don't know why ..

screen shot 2015-02-06 at 17 45 25

AlexanderRay commented 9 years ago

I have created an java-test project.

you can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6c8ymb5n87vxk8/test-n-level-tree.zip?dl=0

andrii0lomakin commented 9 years ago

It seems you never recreated database, just replaced jar. Did you ?