orientechnologies / orientdb

OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries.
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A worrying statement by a contributor #4650

Closed ciscoheat closed 9 years ago

ciscoheat commented 9 years ago

I'm looking for a modern DB to use in a big upcoming project, and OrientDB seems really nice. However, I found a recent comment (June 2015) from the author of OrientDB's node.js driver on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28553942/what-factors-to-consider-when-choosing-a-multi-model-dbms-orientdb-vs-arangodb/28617795#comment49647000_28617795

I can't give a lot of details because of NDA but we faced a long string of problems which were a direct result of how OrientDB is developed, rather than anything being wrong with it conceptually. To put it simply, it is not developed to the high standards that you'd expect from a database vendor, and while it claims a lot of features, a lot of those features are half baked or just don't work. We spent a lot of time and effort working on OrientDB for our clients, and in the end it disappointed all of them.

Seems like quite serious words from a big contributor, previously filled with mostly praise. It worries me, and I'd like to give you a chance to reply if you haven't seen it.

By doing that I'm adding another github issue to the already ~1000 open ones, which isn't a huge evaluation metric for me but still notable.

I hate bringing up things like this, and would never do unless I'm on the edge (nice graph joke eh) of choosing a very important piece of software that I will be using daily for years to come.

nagarajasr commented 9 years ago

@ciscoheat IMHO what would be really useful is if you could raise any actual issues that you face while evaluating the product yourself. as such this particular issue does not provide any specifics which the developers could investigate/ fix. that's not to say that your concerns are invalid, just that (in my opinion) raising a github issue might not be the best way for this matter

ciscoheat commented 9 years ago

Well, there should be plenty of issues, many of them probably hard to find in an evaluation, given that a long-time contributor posts such a statement. Hopefully OrientDB are also aware of them and can respond, so I don't have to find them after committing to the technology, leading to disappointment and wasted time. Gathering this kind of information is an important, time saving part of evaluation.

compensator commented 9 years ago

I can't respond on behalf of Orient nor Luca Garulli, but I am working on a contract where we have been evaluating the product and we came across this post as well. We researched further and decided that it was not an issue. I suggest that you research further as well. I will submit this blog entry from Luca:


compensator commented 9 years ago

I will also clarify that I have not contributed a single line of code to OrientDB.

ciscoheat commented 9 years ago

Thank you, I appreciate and will consider your feedback.

lvca commented 9 years ago

I'm tagging this issue as question and closing it because other users provided enough information to answer it.