orientechnologies / spring-data-orientdb

OrientDB implementation for SpringData
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Spring Template for OrientDB #13

Open vidakovic opened 9 years ago

vidakovic commented 9 years ago

@trainings implementation provides support for OrientObjectTemplate. OrientDocumentTemplate should not be too hard. Please chime in if you have more requirements/thoughts concerning template support.

See also notes from @corneil https://github.com/orientechnologies/spring-data-orientdb/issues/4#issuecomment-67184134

socialsandy80 commented 8 years ago

I download spring-data-orientdb project and able to use Object Repository,template etc use case. Can anyone share the implementation for OrientGraphTemplate pls

socialsandy80 commented 8 years ago

How to write code for Graph template like we have for OrientObjectTemplate ?? below class getting issue while creating the constructor, what need to be passed in case of Graph template

public class OrientObjectTemplate extends AbstractOrientOperations implements OrientObjectOperations {

public OrientObjectTemplate(OrientObjectDatabaseFactory dbf) {

public OObjectDatabaseTx getObjectDatabase() {
    return (OObjectDatabaseTx)dbf.db();
trainings commented 8 years ago

Hi guys.

I had a hard year :( And I did not have enough time to do it.

Are you still interested in Spring Data for OrientDB?

socialsandy80 commented 8 years ago

Hey sorry to hear you had hard year.. Anyway we are done with this year. Yes, i want to use Spring data for DAO. As of now i am following same concept for Graph what is being used for OrientObject. While writing OrientGraphTemplate not able to initiate, using OrientGraphFactory as parameter. it will be great if you can help. Happy Christmas to all of you..

socialsandy80 commented 8 years ago

I am able to perform execute all function of repository except save. i have one pojo when i save it return some RID but dont show up in graph and it change sequence of cluster also. let say if i create customer from ui , it show #33:1,#33:2 etc but when i save it show #3:8 .. i knew something is wrong but couldnt find out. can you pls help

saljuama commented 8 years ago

I had plans to contribute to the graph module starting with the template aswell, but had a lot on my plate last weeks, so i couldn't get started. I'm a bit more available now, so if i can be of any help @socialsandy80, just say so.

Since your last comment was a week ago, I don't know if you are still having the same issue with the RID.

socialsandy80 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Saljuama, I have written one already.. i will be sharing by next week. I am able make spring-data support for OrientDB Yes, i got it resolved

ritesh0919 commented 8 years ago


I think the graph implementation in spring-data-orientdb is still not completed. We are very much interested in using this.

@saljuama @socialsandy80, i see you have already implemented that. Is that something that you can share?

saljuama commented 8 years ago

Since @socialsandy80 mentioned that he had the features implemented, I didn´t get my hands dirty on this matter, so sadly, I don´t have an implementation for it.

robfrank commented 7 years ago

Hi to all, if someone want to contribute back some code, fell free to open a PR