originalfoo / SensorArray

Open source sensor array
MIT License
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Confirm UV sensor band coverage #58

Open originalfoo opened 7 years ago

originalfoo commented 7 years ago

Most sensors only detect UV-A or UV-A/-B, few if any detect UV-C.

Ultraviolet radiation is an electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength interval between x-rays and visible Light, i.e. from about 5 nanometers (nm) to about 400 nm.

The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight is divided into three bands: UV-A (320-400 nm), which can cause skin damage and may cause melanomatous skin cancer; UV-B (280-320 nm), stronger radiation that increases in the summer and is a common cause of sunburn and most common skin cancer; and UV-C (below 280 nm), the strongest and potentially most harmful form.

Much UV-B and most UV-C radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer of the atmosphere before it can reach the earth's surface; the depletion of this layer is increasing the amount of ultraviolet radiation that can pass through it. The radiation that does pass through is largely absorbed by ordinary window glass or impurities in the air (e.g., water, dust, and smoke) or is screened by clothing.


originalfoo commented 7 years ago

Looks like dedicated UVC sensor will be required in addition to other planned sensors (the hyperspectral camera can do UVC, but very expensive in terms of time and energy consumption).

originalfoo commented 7 years ago

Some additional UVC sensors (photodiodes, THD) more UVC sensors - might actually be manufacturer for the 220~280nm sensor listed above.

originalfoo commented 7 years ago
originalfoo commented 7 years ago
originalfoo commented 7 years ago

uv sensors

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

UV/C can reach the Earth's surface?!

originalfoo commented 5 years ago