originalgrego / FinalFightAE-Installer

Final Fight Anniversary Edition Installer
31 stars 4 forks source link

Score too high #6

Open saitoh00 opened 3 years ago

saitoh00 commented 3 years ago

Using this rom in the last final burn neo romset * 44, I can verify that playing with a single player I receive 100,000 points in stage 1.2, in which the fat men, a box and two barrels come out for the first time (1.3 would be where first boss) I get an unusual amount of points compared to the rom the patch is applied to. Since those 100,000 points are obtained approximately after finishing the first boss and even in stage 2.1 with the first enemies of the Metro platforms (always comparing with the rom ffight world). Do you have in mind to fix it or is it done like this for some reason?