originalhat / telesthesiac

Operation Neko International
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Define Product Purpose / Goal #1

Open originalhat opened 11 years ago

originalhat commented 11 years ago

Paraphrased Discussion

It's hard to get back to 'Nerd Culture' after you've been away.

An authentic guide to guide to all things nerd.

Bring culture(s) together.

Discussion of culture.

Oppositional / underground media

Preservation of nerdlyness.

...with a revolutionary tinge.

Concepts to Address?

  • Why we're not a blog, news site, or Kotaku.
  • What differentiates us?
  • What demographics are we after?

Late teens to 30-somethings.

...nerd culture...

Next Steps

This is really up to @thewong, but I'd like to at least see a short 2-3 sentence overview that portrays what our purpose / goal will be. We could possibly supplement this with a more in depth version, but for the sake of keeping a quick and succinct reminder of our intended direction, lets have something short and sweet.

Throw ideas up here and we can close this issue out by migrating the content into our development wiki pages once @thewong is satisfied.