originalnicodr / CinematicUnityExplorer

UnityExplorer fork focused on providing tools for creating marketing material for Unity games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]: Crash while Creating UI #70

Open Dteyn opened 3 months ago

Dteyn commented 3 months ago

Are you on the latest version of CinematicUnityExplorer?

Which release are you using?

MelonLoader IL2CPP

Which game did this occur on?

Game Name: AfterTheFall Game Developer: Vertigo Games Unity Version: 2021.3.8f1 App Version: 1.0 Game Version: 1.9.41947

Describe the issue.

Hi! I recently discovered CUE and fell in love with the idea of using it for a video project I'm working on. It seems to offer everything I could have hoped for in a freecam and would love to use it. However, it seems to crash when loading with the game I'm trying to use it with.

The game I'm using it with has been working well with UnityExplorer v4.9.0 with and doesn't seem to have any issues with that. Everything seems to work normally with my usual UE v4.9.0 setup (using ML v0.5.7).

The version of CUE I am using is the ML 0.5 IL2CPP version, CinematicUnityExplorer.MelonLoader.IL2CPP.zip.

However, with CUE, it seems to crash during startup. I'm not sure if this is the specific error causing the crash, but I see this close to the end of the log file:

[21:49:36.748] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Initialized Legacy Input support
[21:49:36.791] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib]    IL2CPP method has no corresponding pointer, aborting patch of UnityEngine.AssetBundle.UnloadAllAssetBundles

The game actually seems to be loading fine for about 1-2s until the crash happens. Also, just before the crash, there are two lines which are shown in the MelonLoader logging window which aren't included in the MelonLoader\Latest.log file. They only appear briefly before the window disappears, so I did a quick screen capture:


The last two lines are:

mono_class_from_mono_type: implement me 0x00

* Assertion: should not be reached at ..\mono\metadata\class.c:6545

I tried what you suggested in the "Common issues and solutions" section, by changing Startup_Delay_Time to 20.0, and changing Disable_EventSystem_Override to true, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to make any difference. When I check the game's Player.log file, I don't see anything unusual there, but I'm happy to share it if you think it would help.

A couple of other things I've tried:

I'm happy to try any other suggestions, or provide any other information you need.

Thanks for your hard work on this - I would love to be able to get this working for my project. Using UE's freecam has been a challenge for sure and all the work you've put into this is like a dream come true for what I'd like to do. Thanks again!!

Relevant log output

[21:49:12.627] ------------------------------
[21:49:12.628] MelonLoader v0.5.7 Open-Beta
[21:49:12.628] OS: Windows 10
[21:49:12.628] Hash Code: 49999848531024954985654485098975250521005157544948501005510199495356
[21:49:12.629] ------------------------------
[21:49:12.629] Game Type: Il2Cpp
[21:49:12.629] Game Arch: x64
[21:49:12.630] ------------------------------
[21:49:12.630] Core::BasePath = F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall
[21:49:12.630] Game::BasePath = F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall
[21:49:12.631] Game::DataPath = F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall\AfterTheFall_Data
[21:49:12.631] Game::ApplicationPath = F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall\AfterTheFall.exe

[21:49:12.867] ------------------------------
[21:49:12.867] Game Name: AfterTheFall
[21:49:12.867] Game Developer: Vertigo Games
[21:49:12.870] Unity Version: 2021.3.8f1
[21:49:12.870] Game Version: 1.0
[21:49:12.870] ------------------------------

[21:49:13.091] Preferences Loaded!
[21:49:13.095] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching mono_unity_get_unitytls_interface...
[21:49:13.096] [Il2CppUnityTls] Patching il2cpp_unity_install_unitytls_interface...
[21:49:13.245] [Il2CppUnityTls] Calling Il2CppInstallUnityTlsInterface...

[21:49:13.259] Loading Plugins from 'F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall\Plugins'...
[21:49:13.260] 0 Plugins loaded.

[21:49:14.291] [MelonStartScreen] Initializing...
[21:49:14.305] [MelonStartScreen] Using Start Screen Theme: "Default"
[21:49:15.232] Loading Il2CppAssemblyGenerator...
[21:49:15.286] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Contacting RemoteAPI...
[21:49:15.578] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Game Not Found on RemoteAPI Host (https://api.melonloader.com/api/v1/game/afterthefall)
[21:49:15.579] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.DumperVersion = null
[21:49:15.580] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.UnhollowerVersion = null
[21:49:15.581] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.ObfuscationRegex = null
[21:49:15.582] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingURL = null
[21:49:15.582] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] RemoteAPI.MappingFileSHA512 = null
[21:49:15.584] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Dumper Version: 2022.1.0-pre-release.8
[21:49:15.585] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Version =
[21:49:15.585] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Unity Dependencies Version = 2021.3.8
[21:49:15.586] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Using Deobfuscation Regex = null
[21:49:15.587] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Cpp2IL is up to date.
[21:49:15.588] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower is up to date.
[21:49:15.588] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] UnityDependencies is up to date.
[21:49:15.589] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Checking GameAssembly...
[21:49:16.176] [Il2CppAssemblyGenerator] Assembly is up to date. No Generation Needed.

[21:49:16.203] Loading Mods from 'F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall\Mods'...
[21:49:16.204] ------------------------------
[21:49:16.226] Melon Assembly loaded: '.\Mods\CinematicUnityExplorer.ML.IL2CPP.dll'
[21:49:16.227] SHA256 Hash: '93637ded82b6288760e35d28f31a5da4518f91d6d670ce43fc7f59d6c443ffff'

[21:49:16.251] ------------------------------
[21:49:16.251] CinematicUnityExplorer v1.0.0
[21:49:16.252] by originalnicodr, Sinai, yukieiji
[21:49:16.253] Assembly: CinematicUnityExplorer.ML.IL2CPP.dll
[21:49:16.253] ------------------------------
[21:49:16.254] ------------------------------
[21:49:16.254] 1 Mod loaded.

[21:49:16.351] Support Module Loaded: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\After The Fall\MelonLoader\Dependencies\SupportModules\Il2Cpp.dll
[21:49:16.372] [CinematicUnityExplorer] CinematicUnityExplorer 1.0.0 initializing...
[21:49:16.388] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] UniverseLib 1.5.5 initializing...
[21:49:16.617] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Finished UniverseLib initial setup.
[21:49:16.667] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Initialized UnityCrashPrevention for: Canvas.get_renderingDisplaySize
[21:49:25.811] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Loaded Unhollowed modules in 9.209001 seconds.
[21:49:25.949] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Setup deobfuscation cache in 0.137 seconds.
[21:49:36.748] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Initialized Legacy Input support
[21:49:36.791] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib]    IL2CPP method has no corresponding pointer, aborting patch of UnityEngine.AssetBundle.UnloadAllAssetBundles
[21:49:36.845] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] Loaded modern bundle for Unity 2021.3.8f1
[21:49:36.869] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [UniverseLib] UniverseLib 1.5.5 initialized.
[21:49:36.870] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Creating UI...
mono_class_from_mono_type: implement me 0x00

* Assertion: should not be reached at ..\mono\metadata\class.c:6545
originalnicodr commented 3 months ago

Hey, thanks a lot for the detailed report and testing! As far as I understand this might be because of me doing stuff that doesn't work in the game because lack of support from UniverseLib (and it isn't done automatically by UnityExplorer), although I could be wrong. I have already encountered something like this before and reported it in #55.

I believe the only way I can "fix" this is by disabling panels and features that get executed automatically after the Creating UI... is printed and see which one is causing this. It would sadly mean that I will need to disable a feature or something dynamically to make it work, but maybe that feature isn't that important for what you want to do, so it might be useful in the end.

I don't own the game but will try to see if I can fix it on Hellpoint and send you a build of that for you to test it here. I don't know when that's gonna happen since I am quite busy at the moment, but I will make it my priority next time I get to work on this again.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Dteyn commented 3 months ago

Awesome, that sounds good to me!

I forgot to mention, I did look through the issues already posted to see if this was already reported, but mostly skimmed over the titles and only clicked through a few. I missed the Hellpoint one - good to see this is already documented as a known issue.

Once you get the chance to work on it I'll be happy to test the fix to see if it works on my end. I'm fairly technically minded - although not very well versed in C# and very much a Unity newbie - but I'm happy to help test anything.

Thanks again for your help! :)

PS: Also, I renamed the issue to [Bug]: Crash while Creating UI since it doesn't seem to be related to IL2CPP method has no corresponding pointer, aborting patch of UnityEngine.AssetBundle.UnloadAllAssetBundles.

Dteyn commented 3 months ago

Good news! I've been able to narrow it down to the "Misc" UI panel.

I downloaded the source and set up for building it with VS, then tracked down the 'Creating UI...' line in ExplorerCore.cs which lead me to UIManager.cs where the various UI elements are created

I then added logging statements there, like this:

            UIPanels.Add(Panels.AutoCompleter, new AutoCompleteModal(UiBase));
            ExplorerCore.Log("- AutoCompleter panel added");
            UIPanels.Add(Panels.ObjectExplorer, new ObjectExplorerPanel(UiBase));
            ExplorerCore.Log("- ObjectExplorer panel added");
            ... etc

Then, when starting CUE, I could see which panel it hung up on:

[22:38:10.561] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Creating UI...
[22:38:10.569] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Init complete
[22:38:10.604] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - TopNavBar created
[22:38:10.624] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - AutoCompleter panel added
[22:38:10.692] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - ObjectExplorer panel added
[22:38:10.715] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Inspector panel added
[22:38:10.732] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - CSConsole panel added
[22:38:10.764] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - HookManager panel added
[22:38:10.772] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Clipboard panel added
[22:38:10.800] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - ConsoleLog panel added
[22:38:10.821] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Freecam panel added
[22:38:10.830] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - LightsManager panel added
[22:38:10.864] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - CamPaths panel added
[22:38:10.868] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - PostProcessingPanel added
[22:38:10.876] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - AnimatorPanel added

From this, I could tell it was the 'Misc' panel that was causing the crash. I then commented out the 'Misc' panel loading, and as a result CUE is now loading and running for me.

[22:40:37.563] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Creating UI...
[22:40:37.570] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Init complete
[22:40:37.621] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - TopNavBar created
[22:40:37.641] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - AutoCompleter panel added
[22:40:37.710] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - ObjectExplorer panel added
[22:40:37.718] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Inspector panel added
[22:40:37.751] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - CSConsole panel added
[22:40:37.783] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - HookManager panel added
[22:40:37.790] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Clipboard panel added
[22:40:37.802] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - ConsoleLog panel added
[22:40:37.840] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Freecam panel added
[22:40:37.848] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - LightsManager panel added
[22:40:37.882] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - CamPaths panel added
[22:40:37.886] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - PostProcessingPanel added
[22:40:37.894] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - AnimatorPanel added
[22:40:37.895] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Misc panel SKIPPED
[22:40:37.904] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Options panel added
[22:40:37.908] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - UIInspectorResults panel added
[22:40:37.912] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - MouseInspector added
[22:40:38.510] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Init methods completed
[22:40:38.512] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Failsafe done
[22:40:38.512] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - Done initializing
[22:40:38.513] [CinematicUnityExplorer] - COMPLETE
[22:40:38.513] [CinematicUnityExplorer] CinematicUnityExplorer 1.0.0 (IL2CPP) initialized.

After this, there does seem to be some errors popping up:

[22:40:38.569] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [ERROR] Exception in IL2CPP-to-Managed trampoline, not passing it to il2cpp: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <e1319b7195c343e79b385cd3aa43f5dc>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.UI.UIManager.GetPanel[T] (UnityExplorer.UI.UIManager+Panels panel) [0x00000] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.maybeTakeScreenshot () [0x00001] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.Update () [0x0000f] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at (wrapper dynamic-method) UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.Trampoline_VoidThisUnityExplorer.KeypressListenerUpdate(intptr,UnhollowerBaseLib.Runtime.Il2CppMethodInfo*)
[22:40:38.648] [CinematicUnityExplorer] [ERROR] Exception in IL2CPP-to-Managed trampoline, not passing it to il2cpp: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <e1319b7195c343e79b385cd3aa43f5dc>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.UI.UIManager.GetPanel[T] (UnityExplorer.UI.UIManager+Panels panel) [0x00000] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.maybeTakeScreenshot () [0x00001] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.Update () [0x0000f] in <41a310062afd405c91bff14365369972>:0 

  at (wrapper dynamic-method) UnityExplorer.KeypressListener.Trampoline_VoidThisUnityExplorer.KeypressListenerUpdate(intptr,UnhollowerBaseLib.Runtime.Il2CppMethodInfo*)

This happens for quite a lot of lines, before it settles down and gets to this:

[22:46:09.755] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vignette
[22:46:09.759] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Bloom
[22:46:09.764] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Grain
[22:46:09.768] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DepthOfField
[22:46:09.772] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LensDistortion
[22:46:09.776] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration
[22:46:09.780] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusion
[22:46:09.785] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AutoExposure
[22:46:09.789] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflections
[22:46:09.793] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Vignette
[22:46:09.797] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Bloom
[22:46:09.801] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Grain
[22:46:09.806] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Fog
[22:46:09.810] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.DepthOfField
[22:46:09.814] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Tonemapping
[22:46:09.819] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.LensDistortion
[22:46:09.823] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.ChromaticAberration
[22:46:09.827] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.AmbientOcclusion
[22:46:09.831] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.AutoExposure
[22:46:09.836] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.ScreenSpaceReflections
[22:46:09.840] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Vignette
[22:46:09.844] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Bloom
[22:46:09.848] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Grain
[22:46:09.852] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Fog
[22:46:09.856] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.DepthOfField
[22:46:09.861] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Tonemapping
[22:46:09.865] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.LensDistortion
[22:46:09.869] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.ChromaticAberration
[22:46:09.873] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.AmbientOcclusion
[22:46:09.877] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.AutoExposure
[22:46:09.882] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.ScreenSpaceReflections
[22:48:40.772] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vignette
[22:48:40.774] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Bloom
[22:48:40.775] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Grain
[22:48:40.777] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DepthOfField
[22:48:40.779] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LensDistortion
[22:48:40.780] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration
[22:48:40.782] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusion
[22:48:40.783] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AutoExposure
[22:48:40.785] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflections
[22:48:40.786] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Vignette
[22:48:40.788] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Bloom
[22:48:40.790] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Grain
[22:48:40.791] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Fog
[22:48:40.793] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.DepthOfField
[22:48:40.794] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.Tonemapping
[22:48:40.796] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.LensDistortion
[22:48:40.798] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.ChromaticAberration
[22:48:40.800] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.AmbientOcclusion
[22:48:40.801] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.AutoExposure
[22:48:40.803] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition.ScreenSpaceReflections
[22:48:40.804] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Vignette
[22:48:40.806] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Bloom
[22:48:40.807] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Grain
[22:48:40.809] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Fog
[22:48:40.810] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.DepthOfField
[22:48:40.813] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.Tonemapping
[22:48:40.814] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.LensDistortion
[22:48:40.816] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.ChromaticAberration
[22:48:40.817] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.AmbientOcclusion
[22:48:40.819] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.AutoExposure
[22:48:40.821] [CinematicUnityExplorer] Couldn't find UnityEngine.Rendering.Volume.ScreenSpaceReflections

My guess is that the errors were something introduced by commenting out the Misc panel loading. It's also possible that my build didn't go correctly - the CUE .dll file seemed to come in a lot smaller at 405kb, and the Release folder also had Iced.dll, mcs.dll and Tomlet.dll which I had to move to the ML Mods folder. Because of this I'm sure I did something wrong with the build process (I'm very new to VS / C# / UE) - but despite that, it did seem to load correctly.

However, despite these errors, CUE did seem to function fine during my testing. I ran it for about an hour doing usual UE stuff like object inspection etc and all ran perfectly fine. I also tried adding a new light source and that worked as expected also.

So, it looks like the issue lies somewhere in the Misc panel init. If there's anything else I can do to assist with this, I'm happy to follow up on anything here. Just let me know!

Thanks again for all your work on this - I'm super stoked to use it and make some awesome captures! 😃

originalnicodr commented 3 months ago

I was actually gonna suggest to do exactly that! Thanks a ton for the testing!

The key listener errors are indeed due to the Misc panel not initializing, but they aren't really important if the rest of the mod is working as intended.

The list of "couldn't find" prints is normal when looking for postprocessing effects, but I now see how it can get confusing. Will comment it on the next release to have more straightforward logs.

The smaller .dll size thing seems to be because there was a problem in the build process and it couldn't link all the .DLLs into a single one. Can't really say what happened without the console output when building the dll, but don't worry I will take care of this when I work on fixing the problem. Glad you managed to work around that.

Thanks once again for narrow down where the problem lies! Will do my best to get on this as soon as I can.

And please, hit me up when you upload something using the mod, would love to check it out!

Dteyn commented 3 months ago

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help in some way. :)

I've been testing my hacked together version over the past few days, and unfortunately, I think the brute-force disabling of the Misc UI panel seems to have broken some things, which result in the game crashing.

My main focus at the moment with CUE is using the camera paths feature, so I can get some smooth camera paths for the captures I'm wanting to do. It does work, but after a while, it seems to randomly crash.

When I checked the crash dumps and logs, it seemed to trace back to a mono class/string error. I'm away from my rig so can't post the logs at the moment, but from what I saw, I believe the Misc UI panel being disabled is the likely cause.

I did look a bit further into the code for the Misc UI panel to see if I could nail down exactly which element was causing the issue and perhaps disable only that, but very quickly got lost as I'm not very familiar with C#. :(

Once you do get a chance to work on this again, I'll be happy to test any new versions or provide additional details on anything you think may help.

Also, if possible, I'm wondering if you might consider adding the ability to save/load camera paths as well as the ability to edit co-ordinates of path nodes. I ask because sometimes, I spend quite a while setting up a path, and if there is a crash, the path is lost. Being able to quickly re-load the last camera path would be amazingly helpful. And if it was possible to edit the co-ords of the nodes, I think that would also be helpful for fine tuning the path. Apologies if these features are there already and I missed them - I'm still learning the ropes of CUE. :)

I absolutely would be happy to share my upload with you when it's done. I'm still in the early stages, but based on what I'm seeing so far I really feel like it's going to turn out well and will be excited to share!

originalnicodr commented 3 months ago

I cannot assure you that the random crashes will be fixed, but maybe your logs can help us out. And no worries, .net isn't my forte either hahaha.

I am sadly hands full with finishing my final thesis atm, but I might be able to check it out in the following weeks. Will let you know if I have a new version you can test.

I have actually thought about serializing camera paths (see #17). This would have been my next thing to work on after controller support (#20), but I worked on the project for months and I need to at least release a first version :stuck_out_tongue:

Regarding editing coordinates of path nodes, you can actually do that already! Just move the camera where you want your new node position and rotation to be and click on the first button on the node row on the Cam Paths panel. The one that says "Copy Camera pos and ro" (I am sorry, I suck at naming things rofl). If you also need to copy the FoV over just press on the button next to it, "Copy Camera FoV".

For further fine-tuning, you can add nodes in the middle of the list by simply adding a new node, which would be added at the end of the list, and then just move it upwards one step at a time by pressing the upwards arrow button until it reaches the part of the "timeline" you want it to be. I suggest turning on the "Visualize camera paths" options when doing this for easier setup.

originalnicodr commented 2 months ago

Hey! Managed to fix Hellpoint problem on 66773b300fac50ca26d22851ce82d11198b4a95d, and since it was similar to what was happening here (even has a similar Unity version, 2021.1.27f1) it maybe fixed this error as well. Could you give it a try?

Here are the nightly builds.