Open dante01yoon opened 1 week ago
Anyone who face same issue, commented out 'manualChunk' option in your rollup config in vite.config.ts
build {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
// manualChunks: {
// vue: ['vue', 'vue-router', 'pinia'],
// },
external: ['@floating-ui/vue'],
scripts are not running after build with plugins.
even I put console.log very top of file, console.log not called.
import { i as importShared, getCurrentScope as getCurrentScope$1, onScopeDispose, onMounted as onMounted$2, nextTick, unref, getCurrentInstance as getCurrentInstance$1, isRef, ref as ref$4, readonly, watch, toRef as toRef$1, customRef as customRef$1, c as createWebHistory } from './__federation_shared_vue.js';
this is because above import statement. Why is this happens and how I work around?
host is 'esnext'
because of chunk file not executed at all, app not run.
<div id="app"></div>
my network tab
if my host app run with pnpm dev, it runs.
nothing special of my main.ts or App.vue
Additional Details
Steps to reproduce
What is Expected?
What is actually happening?