originrose / cortex

Machine learning in Clojure
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Scalable and Sustainable Deep Learning via Randomized Hashing #185

Open harold opened 7 years ago

harold commented 7 years ago

From this mailing list post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/clojure-cortex/YKpWDMsSU5s

Comes this popular summary: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/06/170601135633.htm

Of this preprint with the same title as this issue: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.08194.pdf

My takeaways:

The practical speedups reported in the paper are on the same order (tens of x) that we currently get from GPU computation. No practical GPU version of these ideas exists (and when it does we'll probably pretty easily be able to leverage it, e.g., if it makes it into cudnn).

These techniques, as reported in the paper, stand to benefit low-power (read: mobile phone) and/or distributed (read: google datacenter) nn systems. This is a different, and so-far non-overlapping, niche of nn than Cortex addresses. When we do move in that direction, and/or when there is a practical GPU implementation of this, we should definitely hop on board.

@rosejn - This is a cute intersection of a lot of your interests; the paper is perhaps a fun read for you.

BorisVSchmid commented 7 years ago

The NN problems I am running tend to run slower on GPU than CPU (they're not image based, but just trying to classify things based on a dozen variables), so there something like this would help a lot (especially when I am using things like BOPP (https://github.com/probprog/bopp) to discover the optimal parameters for the NN (what batch size, l2, learning rate, number of nodes per layer).