originrose / cortex

Machine learning in Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Swish activation function #244

Closed gigasquid closed 7 years ago

gigasquid commented 7 years ago

Adding of the swish activation https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.05941 (see issue https://github.com/thinktopic/cortex/issues/242)

Ran a quick test on the MNIST in the examples directory with the following:

(defn initial-description
  [input-w input-h num-classes]
  [(layers/input input-w input-h 1 :id :data)
   (layers/convolutional 5 0 1 20)
   (layers/max-pooling 2 0 2)
   (layers/convolutional 5 0 1 50)
   (layers/max-pooling 2 0 2)
   (layers/linear 1000)
   (layers/linear num-classes)
   (layers/softmax :id :labels)])


Classification accuracy: 0.9838

swish instead of relu

Classification accuracy: 0.984

Feedback is welcome.

gigasquid commented 7 years ago

😸 🎈