orijitghosh / VANESSA-DAM

Visualization and ANalysis of timE SerieS dAta - Drosophila Activity Monitors
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Shiny Run Error #5

Open mantouyangmeng opened 1 month ago

mantouyangmeng commented 1 month ago

Hello, when I run the following code I get a different error and the data used is also the demo data provided

Question 1

library(vanessadamsa) runVanessaDamSa() Listening on Warning: Good news! You don't need to call useShinyalert() anymore. Please remove this line from your code. If you really want to pre-load {shinyalert} to the UI for any reason, use: useShinyalert(force = TRUE) Warning: Error in observe: object 'bout_summary' not found 2: shiny::runApp 1: runVanessaDamSa

Question 2

library(vanessadamcra) runVanessaDamCra() Warning: The size argument of element_line() is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0. ℹ Please use the linewidth argument instead. This warning is displayed once every 8 hours. Call lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings() to see where this warning was generated. Warning: Error in observe: object 'dt_curated' not found 2: shiny::runApp 1: runVanessaDamCra

Shiny enters the data at the end and then flashes back; I am not sure why, but I am hoping I can get an answer. Thank you very much!

orijitghosh commented 1 month ago

@mantouyangmeng , sorry for the delayed response. From the warnings you posted, it does not seem like there is an error. There are a few warnings which should not affect the functionalities of the app. Please let me know if you get any error message, and the app crashes.