oriuminc / jenkins-inception

A Drupal continuous integration infrastructure in a box.
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Fix issue with Drush failing to apply patches (update git-core or drush to 5.9) #24

Closed patcon closed 11 years ago

patcon commented 11 years ago

Only one of the solutions is needed. Git update route can be implemented just for inception at first, and hopefully pushed upstream to opscode cookbook.

Drush approach should resolve it as soon as pear.drush.org has been updated with the 5.9 package.


http://tickets.opscode.com/browse/COOK-2788 http://drupal.org/node/1276872#comment-5349392 https://twitter.com/patconnolly/status/326696177959591936

patcon commented 11 years ago

v5.9 now available via pear repo: http://pear.drush.org/

Thanks @msonnabaum!