orizens / ngx-infinite-scroll

Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular
MIT License
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fix(attachScrollEvent): Add trailing:true to throttleTime #386

Closed IT-Smile closed 2 years ago

IT-Smile commented 2 years ago

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This PR fixes/implements the following bugs/features

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When scrolling too fast, it may miss to capture some scrolling event that would have triggered the scrolled / scrolledUp event. This PR fix this issue by setting the trailing attribute to true in throttleTime. This will emit the last value received at the end of the throttle interval, solving this problem.


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eliakocher commented 2 years ago

this is a serious problem, i hope this PR will be accepted soon

TobiasKrogh commented 2 years ago

@orizens do you see any chance of accepting this PR and releasing a new version?

Zerounodue commented 2 years ago

would be nice to see a new version 👍

orizens commented 2 years ago

thanks @IT-Smile after many efforts, version 13.1.0-next is available for testing try to install with

npm i ngx-infinite-scroll@next

or test with https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-infinite-scroll-wemchd?file=package.json

IT-Smile commented 2 years ago

@orizens Your welcome. We thank you for you hard work and your time in order to provide this new version. I just test the case on stackblitz and it is solved.

Again thank you a lot! :-)