orizens / ngx-infinite-scroll

Infinite Scroll Directive for Angular
MIT License
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(Scrolled) event triggered on multiple angular routes #388

Closed patilsagar28290 closed 1 month ago

patilsagar28290 commented 2 years ago

In my site, I have two tabs like 'Active Users" and "Left users" (two separate routes). Infinite scroll is working fine when we are on first tab, but when we switched to another tab or route. First tabs (previous routes) scrolled events gets triggered.

Expected Behavior

Scrolled event should be triggered for active route. It should not trigger for visited route

Actual Behavior

When we change route previous routes scrolled event handler gets called

Steps To Reproduce / Demo (if applicable)

gchokeen commented 1 year ago

I got same issue! Is there any work around ?

patilsagar28290 commented 1 year ago

@gchokeen Below workaround helped me, you can try as well

On route changed, maintain one flag to disable scroll effect. this._router.events .pipe(filter((event) => event instanceof RoutesRecognized)) .subscribe((event: RoutesRecognized) => { this.routeChanged = event.url.replace('/', '') !== 'home'; this._changeDetectionRef.detectChanges(); })

In html file, set infiniteScrollDisabled attribute <div infiniteScroll [infiniteScrollDistance]="infiniteScrollDistance" [infiniteScrollDisabled]="routeChanged" (scrolled)="onScrollDown()"

  Hopefully this will work for you as well.
gchokeen commented 1 year ago

@patilsagar28290 Excellent thanks it worked perfectly!