orkestral / venom

Venom is a high-performance system developed with JavaScript to create a bot for WhatsApp, support for creating any interaction, such as customer service, media sending, sentence recognition based on artificial intelligence and all types of design architecture for WhatsApp.
Apache License 2.0
5.9k stars 1.11k forks source link

getGroupMembers is not working #2354

Closed sudeepaviraj closed 1 year ago

sudeepaviraj commented 1 year ago

getGroupMembers is not working

getGroupMembers function is not working when I tried to get group members


Log Output

            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

Error [TypeError]: window.Store.Cmd.openChatBottom is not a function
    at ExecutionContext._ExecutionContext_evaluate (D:\Programming-Projects\whatsapp-grabber\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\ExecutionContext.js:262:51)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async ExecutionContext.evaluate (D:\Programming-Projects\whatsapp-grabber\node_modules\puppeteer-core\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\ExecutionContext.js:145:16)
    at window.WAPI.window.WAPI.getGroupParticipant (D:\Programming-Projects\whatsapp-grabber\node_modules\venom-bot\dist\lib\wapi\wapi.js:0:86341)

Node.js v20.2.0

My Code

client.getGroupMembers(group.id).then(async (number) => {
                        fs.appendFileSync(`output.txt`, `${group.name}\n`)
                        console.log(`\n${number.length - 1} Numbers Found In ${group.name}\n`);
                        let bar1 = new cliProgress.SingleBar({}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic);
                        bar1.start(number.length - 1, 0)
                        let numberlist = []
                        number.forEach(async (user, index) => {
                            if (!user.isMe) {
                                fs.appendFileSync(`output.txt`, `${user.id.user}\n`)
                                numberlist = [...numberlist,{id:index,number:user.id.user,user_id:user.id._serialized,group:group.name}]
                        console.log(`\n${group.name} Numbers Saved!\n`);

Additional context / Screenshot


ghayman commented 1 year ago

+1 - Here's my minimal code example

const venom = require('./dist/index');

    session: 'sessionName',
    headless: false,
    devtools: true
  .then((client) => start(client))
  .catch(async (err) => {
    console.log('Startup error: ' + err);
function start(client) {
  client.onAnyMessage((message) => {
    if (message['isGroupMsg']) {
      const ids = client
        .getGroupMembers(message['chatId'], 1000)
        .then((ids) => {
ghayman commented 1 year ago

@orkestral I know you guys probably hate my hacking but here is a possible solution. I'm not putting it through as a PR (yet) as I don't know the unexpected consequences. I commented out the call to openChatBottom() - I could not seeing it adding any value but I might be wrong. I rebuilt the dist and the getGroupParticipant() returned the participants.

I should add that this is being called during onAnyMessage() so maybe other things are being loaded at the same time outside of this.

Other people - please comment. This may or may not be a solution.

export async function getGroupParticipant(groupId, time = 1000) {
  if (typeof groupId !== 'string') {
    return WAPI.scope(undefined, true, null, 'Use to groupId string');

  const chat = await WAPI.sendExist(groupId);

  if (chat && chat.status != 404 && chat.id) {
    // await window.Store.Cmd.openChatBottom(chat);
    // await sleep(time);
    const moduleGroup = await window.Store.GroupMetadata._models.filter(
      (e) => e.id._serialized === groupId

orkestral commented 1 year ago

Release 5.0.11

SMe12435 commented 8 months ago

@orkestral I know you guys probably hate my hacking but here is a possible solution. I'm not putting it through as a PR (yet) as I don't know the unexpected consequences. I commented out the call to openChatBottom() - I could not seeing it adding any value but I might be wrong. I rebuilt the dist and the getGroupParticipant() returned the participants.

I should add that this is being called during onAnyMessage() so maybe other things are being loaded at the same time outside of this.

Other people - please comment. This may or may not be a solution.

export async function getGroupParticipant(groupId, time = 1000) {
  if (typeof groupId !== 'string') {
    return WAPI.scope(undefined, true, null, 'Use to groupId string');

  const chat = await WAPI.sendExist(groupId);

  if (chat && chat.status != 404 && chat.id) {
    // await window.Store.Cmd.openChatBottom(chat);
    // await sleep(time);
    const moduleGroup = await window.Store.GroupMetadata._models.filter(
      (e) => e.id._serialized === groupId


This worked for me. Thanks <3

pedroota commented 8 months ago

This still an issue for me, I'm facing the same problem here

Error: image

My code: image

ddimoia-wt commented 4 months ago

This still an issue for me, I'm facing the same problem here

Hi have you solved the issue?