orliesaurus / nodemailer-mailgun-transport

nodemailer is an amazing node module to send emails within any of your nodejs apps. This is the transport plugin that goes with nodemailer to send email using Mailgun 🔫
MIT License
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mailgun-js is no longer maintained #83

Closed andyli closed 4 years ago

andyli commented 5 years ago

According to the mailgun-js README:

This library is no longer maintained. It was started over 6 years ago because we were Mailgun customers and needed a good Node.js client. Since then this module has become more popular then ever expected, and even official documentation references it. Likewise a lot has changed over the years. Due to various factors my employer nor I use Mailgun any more, and we have not for a couple of years now. I have attempted to maintain the library but over time that has proved to be increasingly more difficult as I do not use it and have no need for it. I have reached out to Mailgun to inquire if they would take over the module and repository but never received any meaningful response. I would be happy to add a well-intentioned contributor to maintain this; but I do not have the time, incentive, and plans to maintain this module any more.

Maybe you can take over the maintenance of mailgun-js, or migrate off it and use something else?

Edit: There is mailgun.js that is maintained by mailgun itself.

orliesaurus commented 5 years ago

Uh-oh! That's a big problem in the open source community! Thanks for raising the point!

framp commented 4 years ago

Even the official SDK seems to be de-facto abandoned and mailgun-js works fine https://github.com/mailgun/mailgun-js/issues/43

Eg: It's not clear from the docs whether official sdk supports attachments

Maybe we should just adopt mailgun-js

ghost commented 4 years ago

The API appears to be slightly different between mailgun.js and mailgun-js. Curious to know where everyone stands on this?

sk- commented 4 years ago

According to https://github.com/highlycaffeinated/mailgun-js/issues/258, the repo is in the process of being migrated to mailgun org, so it does not seem to be unmaintained anymore.

orliesaurus commented 4 years ago

Good to know!~