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Backend resources - Ruby, Rails, SQL #109

Open wasifhossain opened 3 years ago

wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

Useful Ruby links:

wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

Useful links for Rails

wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

Gems (libraries) available to use in any Ruby project: https://rubygems.org/

Gem categories:

Semantic Versioning (semver) - the way how gems/packages are versioned:

real-world example of semver usage in rspec-rails, a ruby gem: https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/v/4-0/docs/upgrade

wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

get overview of the most popular Ruby news, articles and gems every week, straight in your email

these newsletters are great resources to boost your skills to next level!

wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

Strike the right balance between the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself, a.k.a. Abstraction) principle VS duplication:


wasifhossain commented 3 years ago

SQL basics: https://hunter-ducharme.gitbook.io/sql-basics/