ormsolutions / NORMA

Core code for Natural Object-Role Modeling Architect, a Visual Studio extension for ORM modeling.
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.ORM content XML schema/DTD validation #4

Open SergeValera opened 5 years ago

SergeValera commented 5 years ago

Dear Matt,

Coming back on an issue I asked you some days ago, I would like to check the validity of an .ORM (i.e. .XML) file regarding its compliance with the NORMA XSD schemas' definitions. I use Altova XMLSpy for that purpose but the .ORM file does not include the links to the NORMA XSD/DTD. It only includes the namespace definitions. Would you be able to provide me with the XML tag definition that I need to add to the ORM files to enable such validation.

Thanks Serge


mcurland commented 5 years ago

I don't use Altova Spy. The namespaces are just namespace URIs, they don't link to anything on the internet. However, all of the XSD files are on disk. Is there a way to add schema directory search locations in the Altova tool?

Can you give me an example of the XML tag definition you would want to add to the .orm file?

There are 4 locations that I know of with ORM schemas. Three are 3 under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Neumont (there are three directories there, each has a Schemas directory). There is also a C:\Program Files (x86)\ORM Solutions\ORM Architect for Visual Studio 2015\Xml\Schemas directory that has additional schemas.

All of these schemas are registered through 'schema catalog' files with Visual Studio on install. If you do an 'Open With' and choose an XML editor in Visual Studio on any .orm file you'll have full schema support out of the box.