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Making Documents a part of Knowledge Graph #1

Open ormwish opened 1 year ago

ormwish commented 1 year ago

See the last commit to README.md.

codeautopilot[bot] commented 1 year ago

To make documents a part of the knowledge graph, you need to update several files in the project. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Update the env.d.ts file:

    • Open the env.d.ts file.
    • Include any relevant modules or libraries related to the documents.
    • Save the changes.
  2. Update the people.ts file:

    • Open the people.ts file located in .vitepress/theme/data/.
    • Locate the people object and update it with information about the relevant individuals associated with the documents.
    • Each individual is represented by a key-value pair in the people object.
    • Save the file after making the necessary updates.
  3. Update the gtag.ts file:

    • Open the gtag.ts file located in .vitepress/theme/scripts/.
    • Modify the sendEvent function to include additional event data or customize the event tracking based on your requirements.
    • Save the changes to the file.
  4. Update the links.ts file:

    • Open the links.ts file located in docs/.
    • Add or update links related to the documents within the knowledge graph.
    • Each link group has an array of LinkItem objects, where each object represents a link with properties like text and link.
    • Save the file after making the necessary changes.
  5. Update the config.ts file:

    • Open the config.ts file located in .vitepress/.
    • Update the configuration properties such as title, description, lang, siteTitle, logo, algolia, editLink, nav, and sidebar based on your requirements.
    • Save the changes to the file.
  6. Update the index.ts file:

    • Open the index.ts file located in docs/guides/user-guide/starters/.
    • Locate the dotNewLinks array and add or update the links as needed.
    • Each link object in the array should have properties like title, link, icon, and iconInvert.
    • Save the file after making the necessary changes.
  7. Update the edit-link.ts file:

    • Open the edit-link.ts file located in .vitepress/theme/scripts/.
    • Inside the clickListener function, add the necessary logic to handle the editing or updating of documents.
    • Save the file after making the necessary changes.
  8. Update the index.ts file:

    • Open the index.ts file located in .vitepress/theme/.
    • Import the necessary components and scripts for displaying and navigating documents within the knowledge graph.
    • Modify the Layout property of the exported object to use the custom layout component that incorporates the display and navigation of documents within the knowledge graph.
    • Save the file.

Remember to review the other relevant files mentioned in the task and update them accordingly to fully integrate the documents into the knowledge graph.

Changes on env.d.ts To update the type definitions in the `env.d.ts` file, you need to include any relevant modules or libraries related to the documents. Here is the updated code for the `env.d.ts` file: ```typescript /// /// declare module '*.vue' { import type { DefineComponent } from 'vue'; const component: DefineComponent<{}, {}, any>; export default component; } declare module 'your-module' { // Add your module declarations here } ``` Replace `'your-module'` with the actual module or library that is relevant to the documents in the knowledge graph. Add any necessary module declarations within the `declare module 'your-module'` block. Make sure to save the changes after updating the `env.d.ts` file.
Changes on .vitepress/theme/data/people.ts To update the people object with information about the relevant individuals associated with the documents, you can follow these steps: 1. Open the file `.vitepress/theme/data/people.ts`. 2. Locate the `people` object, which contains information about different individuals. 3. Update the object by adding or modifying the information for the relevant individuals associated with the documents. - Each individual is represented by a key-value pair in the `people` object. - The key represents the person's identifier, which should be unique and match the constants defined in the `PEOPLE` object. - The value is an object of type `Person`, which has the following properties: - `name`: The name of the person. - `href`: The URL of the person's profile or website. - `hrefAlias` (optional): An alias or username associated with the person's profile or website. - `imgPath` (optional): The path to the person's profile image. - `title` (optional): The title or role of the person. 4. Save the file after making the necessary updates. By updating the `people` object in the `people.ts` file, you will include or modify the information about the relevant individuals associated with the documents.
Changes on .vitepress/theme/scripts/gtag.ts To implement tracking and analytics functionality for the documents within the knowledge graph, you need to make changes to the `.vitepress/theme/scripts/gtag.ts` file. In this file, you will find an interface `GtagEvent` that defines the structure of the event data. The `sendEvent` function takes an object of type `GtagEvent` as a parameter and sends the event data to Google Analytics. To implement the tracking and analytics functionality, you can follow these steps: 1. Open the `.vitepress/theme/scripts/gtag.ts` file. 2. Inside the `sendEvent` function, you can see that it checks if the `gtag` function is available in the `window` object. 3. If the `gtag` function is available, it calls the `gtag` function with the event name, page path, and value. 4. You can modify the `sendEvent` function to include additional event data or customize the event tracking based on your requirements. 5. Save the changes to the file. Once you have implemented the tracking and analytics functionality, the documents within the knowledge graph will be able to send events to Google Analytics for tracking and analysis.
Changes on docs/links.ts To add or update links related to the documents within the knowledge graph, you need to make changes to the `docs/links.ts` file. In the `docs/links.ts` file, you will find an object called `groupLinks` which contains different link groups such as `userGuide`, `integrationGuide`, `codeflow`, `api`, `webcontainers`, and `enterprise`. Each link group has an array of `LinkItem` objects, where each object represents a link with properties like `text` and `link`. To add a new link, you can create a new `LinkItem` object and add it to the appropriate link group array. For example, if you want to add a new link to the `userGuide` link group, you can add a new object to the `userGuide` array like this: ```language { text: 'New Link', link: '/guides/user-guide/new-link' }, ``` If you want to update an existing link, you can modify the `text` or `link` property of the corresponding `LinkItem` object. Once you have made the necessary changes, save the file and the links will be added or updated in the knowledge graph. Remember to follow the existing structure and naming conventions when adding or updating links.
Changes on .vitepress/config.ts To update the configuration in the `.vitepress/config.ts` file, follow these steps: 1. Open the `.vitepress/config.ts` file. 2. Locate the `title` property and update it with the desired title for the knowledge graph. 3. Locate the `description` property and update it with the desired description for the knowledge graph. 4. If necessary, update the `lang` property to specify the language of the knowledge graph. 5. If necessary, update the `siteTitle` property in the `themeConfig` object to specify the title of the knowledge graph website. 6. If necessary, update the `logo` property in the `themeConfig` object to specify the path to the logo image for the knowledge graph website. 7. If necessary, update the `algolia` property in the `themeConfig` object to configure Algolia search for the knowledge graph. 8. If necessary, update the `editLink` property in the `themeConfig` object to specify the pattern and text for editing pages in the knowledge graph. 9. If necessary, update the `nav` property in the `themeConfig` object to add or modify navigation links for the knowledge graph website. 10. If necessary, update the `sidebar` property in the `themeConfig` object to configure the sidebar navigation for the knowledge graph website. 11. Save the changes to the file. Make sure to review the other relevant files mentioned in the task and update them accordingly to fully integrate the documents into the knowledge graph.
Changes on docs/guides/user-guide/starters/index.ts To update the array of links in the `index.ts` file, you can follow these steps: 1. Open the `docs/guides/user-guide/starters/index.ts` file. 2. Locate the `dotNewLinks` array. 3. Add or update the links as needed. Each link object in the array should have the following properties: - `title`: The title or name of the web application or tool. - `link`: The URL of the web application or tool. - `icon`: The path to the SVG icon file associated with the web application or tool. - `iconInvert` (optional): Set this property to `true` if the icon should be displayed in an inverted color scheme. 4. Save the file. For example, if you want to add a new link for a web application called "MyApp" with a URL of "https://myapp.new/" and an icon named "myapp.svg", you can add the following object to the `dotNewLinks` array: ```language { title: 'MyApp', link: 'https://myapp.new/', icon: myappLogo, } ``` Make sure to replace `myappLogo` with the actual path to the SVG icon file. After making the necessary changes, save the file and the array of links will be updated with the new or modified links.
Changes on .vitepress/theme/scripts/edit-link.ts To implement functionality to handle editing or updating of documents within the knowledge graph, you need to make changes to the `.vitepress/theme/scripts/edit-link.ts` file. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Open the `.vitepress/theme/scripts/edit-link.ts` file. 2. Add the following code at the beginning of the file to ensure proper TypeScript module isolation: ```typescript export {}; // required by TS --isolatedModules ``` 3. Inside the `clickListener` function, you can add the necessary logic to handle the editing or updating of documents. This function is triggered when a click event occurs on the document body. 4. You can access the clicked element using the `event.target` property. Check if the clicked element is an anchor element (`HTMLAnchorElement`) and assign it to the `link` variable. 5. Next, you can add conditions to determine if the clicked link is the edit link and if it has already been modified. You can use the `classList.contains` method to check if the link has the class `edit-link-button` and the `href.includes` method to check if the link already contains the `initialPath` parameter. 6. If the conditions are met, you can modify the `href` attribute of the link to include the `initialPath` parameter. This parameter is used to render the correct page in the preview. Here's an example of the updated code: ```typescript export {}; // required by TS --isolatedModules if (typeof document === 'object') { document.body?.addEventListener('click', clickListener, true); } /** * Add initialPath attribute to Web Publisher links, * to render the correct page in the preview. */ function clickListener(event: MouseEvent) { const link = event.target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ? event.target : null; if ( link && // only change edit link link.classList.contains('edit-link-button') && // only change link once !link.href.includes('initialPath=') ) { link.href = `${link.href}?initialPath=${document.location.pathname}`; } } ``` Save the file after making the necessary changes. This will implement the functionality to handle editing or updating of documents within the knowledge graph.
Changes on .vitepress/theme/index.ts To modify the theme layout to incorporate the display and navigation of documents within the knowledge graph, you need to make changes to the `.vitepress/theme/index.ts` file. Here are the steps to follow: 1. Open the `.vitepress/theme/index.ts` file. 2. Import the necessary components and scripts for displaying and navigating documents within the knowledge graph. For example, you might need to import components for rendering document lists, document details, and navigation menus. 3. Modify the `Layout` property of the exported object to use the custom layout component that incorporates the display and navigation of documents within the knowledge graph. In this case, the custom layout component is `CustomLayout`. 4. Save the file. After making these changes, the theme layout will be updated to include the display and navigation of documents within the knowledge graph.

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