ornladios / ADIOS2

Next generation of ADIOS developed in the Exascale Computing Program
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data layout / BP-X #1661

Open germasch opened 5 years ago

germasch commented 5 years ago

This is somewhat BP-X related, but also a more generic API issue, so I figured I'll put the details here.

Language-independent handling of row-major vs col-major data layout

Here's a proposal to increase flexibility in handling data layout while keeping the existing behavior / APIs unchanged.


Currently, the ADIOS2 API is built around the assumption that the language of the API bindings determines the data layout that the application is using, in particular Fortran/Matlab/R: column-major; otherwise: row-major (see adiosSystem.cpp). That covers most common applications. In particular reading and writing data from the same language works nicely. However, mixing languages or data layouts is more complicated.

When Fortran writes, say, a 400x200 (column-major) array, it will be presented in the C/C++ API as a 200x400 row-major array. In order to present the data as a row-major array, there are only two options: reverse the shape, or transpose the data. Since transposition is potentially expensive, ADIOS2 make the perfectly reasonable choice to instead reverse the dimensions.

However, the assumption that the language of the API determines the data layout used is not always valid. For example:

How relevant is this?

Proposed data format changes

BP3 / BP4 have global flags that indicate the host language, ie., assumed data layout. That's helpful, but having per-dataset granularity would be better. Per-dataset granualarity would be better, so one could write both row-major and col-major dataset into the same file. The API changes I'm proposing don't necessarily require changes to the data format, which might well be not possible at this point for compatibility reasons, but I think it'd be good to consider this for future evolutions of the data formats. One could use attributes to store the information as attributes given that existing mechanism, but I think it's a bit iffy since there is no distinction between user-defined and system-defined attributes, so there could be conflicts if one were to do that.) The existing BP3 / BP4 would support the additional API described below, but they would not support mixing row-major and col-major datasets in a single file.

Proposed API

(I'm just making this up as I'm writing this. But I hope it'll give a useful basis for thinking about it.)

Each dataset (Variable) would have a Layout property associated with it. When creating/inquiring variable for writing/reading, the Layout property would be set to the current host language.

Add a Variable::setLayout() function that would allow the application to override the default layout. E.g., in C++ I could go say myVar.setLayout(Layout::ColumnMajor) to tell adios2 that what I'm passing to it will be laid out in ColumMajor. For now, adios2 would just revere the dims for me, writing the data while pretending it's the row-major layout that it's expecting. Ideally, adios2 would also record the original data layout, but that's data format dependent (see above).

When reading, the same mechanism would apply. If I know the data I'll be reading is actually column-major, and my data structure expects the blob of data to be in column-major, I'll do a myVar.SetLayout(Layout::ColumnMajor) first. If the actual data is not already columnn-major, adios2 would reverse dims for me (basically just like what currently happens when file language and API host language don't match, but it'd be based on the layout I'm telling, not the language I'm using, though in the default case nothing would change.)

Finally, add a Variable::GetOriginalLayout() function, which would for a given variable tell me what the original layout was when it was written. So a dataset written by Fortran would return "ColumnMajor", while a dataset written in C++ would return "RowMajor". That way, an application that uses a data structure that supports both row-major and col-major could load the data back into the appropriate data structure. without having to deal with either reversing dims or transposing data. Something like this:

auto myVar = InquireVariable(...);
auto layout = myVar.GetOriginalLayout();
auto shape = myVar.Shape();
xt::xarray<double, xt::layout_type::dynamic> var;
if (layout == Layout::RowMajor) {
  var = {shape, xt::layout_type::row_major};
} else {
  var = {shape, xt::layout_type::column_major};
// no need to worry about data layout or reversed dims in the 
// var we read from here on out, it'll just work :)
williamfgc commented 5 years ago

@germasch do you have a timeline of when XGC would be ready for this? Also, I am very wary of adding API functionality when there is a solution in place. APIs can get very bloated pretty easily in any library and over time it becomes very hard to not only maintain, but to attract new projects.

Back to the issue, exposing IsReverseDimension does allow the reader to discover the original layout of the data in terms of fastest/slowest index, not a hardcoded description. The x,y,z issue is different and it's very much problem dependent. VTK assumes "x" is always the fastest index, so it's even more restrictive as it assumes Fortran arrays are always written as A(x,y,z) and C arrays as A(z,y,x). I have worked with VTK visualizing Fortran code in which x is the slowest varying index A(z,y,x), or that doesn't assume x,y,z, but any other orthogonal basis (n1,n2,n3). So index names and ordering don't correlate and any changes in adios2 won't leverage the VTK assumption.

My point is: adios2 already provides a solution following standardized convention for each language, but gives you info if the dimensions were reversed at read so you know the original data layout in terms of fast/slow indices.

I am curious to see real code comparing the current solution and another one adding APIs. I personally feel more confused when handling new functions I need to learn than just going with something standard. Having code will also allow asking the practitioners' opinion based on their experience and which approach is easier to understand. I will write in another box to compare side-by-side.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

Variable is written as A(10,20) in Column Major, 10 is fastest

shape = var.Shape(); //shape = {20,10}

auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
shape = var.Shape(); // shape = {10,20}
engine.Get(var, *v);  // is v {10,20} (does it mean data is transposed?) or {20,10}?

Also, with the proposed functions we still must go down to the block level Write:

engine.Put(var, *v1);
engine.Put(var, *v2);

Read: (one block is row-major and the other column-major)

auto layout = var.GetLayout();
//layout = Column-Major or Row-Major?
germasch commented 5 years ago

@germasch do you have a timeline of when XGC would be ready for this? Also, I am very wary of adding API functionality when there is a solution in place. APIs can get very bloated pretty easily in any library and over time it becomes very hard to not only maintain, but to attract new projects.

I can't really predict what's going to happen with XGC, as I said there's currently work underway of rewriting part of the code into C++, but I don't think I/O is part of that current effort.

I do have code to show, and that's from my own code (PSC, a particle-in-cell code):

inline kg::io::Dims makeDims(int m, const Int3& dims)
  return kg::io::Dims{size_t(m), size_t(dims[2]), size_t(dims[1]),

There is some wrapping layer involved, but you get the idea: While the data is indexed as (i,j,k,m), where m is a component number, I have to pretend that the dimensions are reversed when writing to adios2, because it thinks the data is in row-major layout, but it really isn't.

adios2 doesn't offer a solution to this issue currently, that's why I reverse the dims myself. Obviously, since I'm lying to adios2, it has no idea what's really going on, so there is no way that it could tell a visualization tool that the dims really should be the other way around. Reading the data back in the code itself is basically not an issue, because I'm just reversing the dims there as well. But when, e.g., accessing it via python, the indices are reversed, and that's unpleasant.

Most applications deal with the row-major / column-major the same way, that is, if your data doesn't match the layout you're using, you just reverse the dims, because the alternative of transposing the data is expensive. That's what you got to do when using HDF5 from Fortran, or, apparently, when using vtk with row-major arrays. I'm not arguing with that, that's the reasonable thing to do, but when one has to reverse dims for this reason, it'd be nice to have a way to tell that's happened. I take it from what @berkgevici wrote in the other thread, that while vtk may always use col-major arrays, it stores the info that the original layout is row-major so that the data can be displayed correctly in terms of x,y,z, order. That's the main thing I'm asking for, and it's not supported for my use case (above) in the current API.

How one wants to handle the mismatching data layout case (if at all) is up to the application. In fortran, you don't really have a choice. In C++, you can choose to always do row-major -- but you can also choose to use an multi-dimensional array class that can support both layouts natively. The same thing goes for Python -- ndarrays do support both data layouts natively. If you choose to use an multi-dimensional array that supports both layouts, it obviously makes sense to use that functionality, because then you can just access things in the natural index order and not worry about what the underlying layout is.

Back to the issue, exposing IsReverseDimension does allow the reader to discover the original layout of the data in terms of fastest/slowest index, not a hardcoded description. The x,y,z issue is different and it's very much problem dependent. VTK assumes "x" is always the fastest index, so it's even more restrictive as it assumes Fortran arrays are always written as A(x,y,z) and C arrays as A(z,y,x). I have worked with VTK visualizing Fortran code in which x is the slowest varying index A(z,y,x), or that doesn't assume x,y,z, but any other orthogonal basis (n1,n2,n3).

Sure, some people in C++ use var[k][j][i] to access their arrays, and if people want to do that, that's fine with me. Since C++ does support operator overloading, I personally prefer to use var(i,j,k) to do the same thing. Same thing in python, having to do var(k,j,i) when loading Fortran data with h5py keeps confusing me still after all these years...

Just to be clear, what I've proposed is an addition to the API which is likely going to be used only by a select group of users, e.g., people dealing with generic visualization tools, or people like me, who use column major arrays in C++ and like them to be represented correctly in their output. Most people will be just fine doing Fortran and column major, and won't see any difference.

germasch commented 5 years ago

Variable is written as A(10,20) in Column Major, 10 is fastest

shape = var.Shape(); //shape = {20,10}

auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
shape = var.Shape(); // shape = {10,20}
engine.Get(var, *v);  // is v {10,20} (does it mean data is transposed?) or {20,10}?

You got the idea. The way it's written, you get 10x20 col-major data. If one didn't do the SetLayout, one would get 20x10 row major data, that's the current behavior. Note that the data is actually exactly the same in both cases, so no transposing of the data ever happens. If you use the original data layout when reading, no reversing of dims happens, either.

It's really just an extension of current behavior: If the data layout you're reading into is the same that the data was written with, you get that data layout with the original dims. If you're reading the data into the opposite layout, the dims are reversed, the data is the same. The difference is only that instead of assuming "C++/Python -> layout must be row-major", you get a chance to tell adios2 what it actually is.

Also, with the proposed functions we still must go down to the block level Write:

engine.Put(var, *v1);
engine.Put(var, *v2);

I think allowing for different layouts at the block level is overengineering at best, and trying to implement that correctly would make my head spin. But I don't see any possible application where this could be beneficial, either. So the data layout should be a property of a given variable, not of its block. I think I said that, by the way, when you added an API that provides IsReverseDims on the block level, I can't come up with any use case where it wouldn't be the same for all blocks of a given variable.

So changing the layout in the middle of a write would be an error, ideally one which gets caught, but at least undefined behavior. Note that this is no different then changing other properties of a variable in the middle of a write (say, you wrote one block to a variable, and then you called SetShape to change its global shape. Doesn't make any sense, and no good will come from it).

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

Obviously, since I'm lying to adios2,

Let's clarify, adios2 needs to know which is the fastest and the slowest index adopting language convention, that's all adios2 asks. Ultimately, it becomes either calling something like std::reverse (which is standard C++) outside adios2 or adding API calls to adios2 so adios2 can reverse this internally to get the slowest/fastest info. I don't see the "lying" aspect.


std::reverse(shape.begin(), shape.end())
variable.SetShape( shape );


variable.SetLayout( ColumnMajor );
variable.SetShape( shape );

Just to be clear, what I've proposed is an addition to the API which is likely going to be used only by a select group of users

if that's the case, then it's easier (and less costly) to place this functionality in the workflow of the selected group of users instead of adding more APIs in adios2. The end result is the same, we can help providing the required support.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

But I don't see any possible application where this could be beneficial, either. So the data layout should be a property of a given variable, not of its block.

I think it's important to check with different communities and their execution plans for the future and current architectures. This is why I was curious about XGC plans. Are they planning to use NVLink on Summit? Can some blocks be written in Fortran and some from the host C++ code running with CUDA/hip device code? (these are questions, I am not assuming much at this stage). There are new things that would come out from the learning process of working with apps.

germasch commented 5 years ago

Obviously, since I'm lying to adios2,

Let's clarify, adios2 needs to know which is the fastest and the slowest index adopting language convention, that's all adios2 asks. Ultimately, it becomes either calling something like std::reverse (which is standard C++) outside adios2 or adding API calls to adios2 so adios2 can reverse this internally to get the slowest/fastest info. I don't see the "lying" aspect.

"Lying" was a bit tongue-in-cheek. But the point is, I'm giving a shape to adios2 which isn't the actual true shape, and adios2 has no way of knowing that I did that.


std::reverse(shape.begin(), shape.end())
variable.SetShape( shape );


variable.SetLayout( ColumnMajor );
variable.SetShape( shape );

Sure, in terms of the length of the code, the two are about the same. In terms of looking at the code and understanding what it does, the second one is definitely much clearer (there's a coding principle saying that code gets written once, but read many times, so one should keep that in mind). But those are subjective.

The main point is, if I reversed the dims, adios2 doesn't have that info. So if someone else reads the data / visualizes the data / loads it into python, they end up with the reversed dims, not the original ones.

Just to be clear, what I've proposed is an addition to the API which is likely going to be used only by a select group of users

if that's the case, then it's easier (and less costly) to place this functionality in the workflow of the selected group of users instead of adding more APIs in adios2. The end result is the same, we can help providing the required support.

See above: If you don't give the information to adios2, there is no way that it can be stored and retrieved back.

In terms of maintenance cost, I think there's a pretty good chance that implementing this feature would actually lead to a reduction in lines of code, since reversing dims or not would be decided and done at the core level, so it wouldn't need to be done by each engine, removing duplicated logic. (However, getting there wouldn't be entirely trivial.)

germasch commented 5 years ago

I think it's important to check with different communities and their execution plans for the future and current architectures. This is why I was curious about XGC plans. Are they planning to use NVLink on Summit? Can some blocks be written in Fortran and some from the host C++ code running with CUDA/hip device code? (these are questions, I am not assuming much at this stage). There are new things that would come out from the learning process of working with apps.

I'm not sure what you mean? I don't think there are any plans beyond some GPU-aware MPI (GPUdirect) in terms of communication. If you mean GPUdirect Storage, no, I don't think anyone is thinking about that, though I guess it's something that you guys could be thinking about, because that's hopefully something that applications won't have to deal with themselves.

In terms of writing some blocks from Fortran and some from C++, I could see that happening theoretically in some apps, but I wouldn't anticipate it for XGC. Besides, concurrent use of the C++ and Fortran API isn't supported by adios2, anyway. If one wanted to go really fancy, I could see some case for having different data layouts in Fortran vs CUDA code, though not so much about row-major vs col-major, but rather about AOS vs SOA. Which I think might have some interesting opportunities, but that's beyond this topic.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

The main point is, if I reversed the dims, adios2 doesn't have that info. So if someone else reads the data / visualizes the data / loads it into python, they end up with the reversed dims, not the original ones.

I recently put VTK reader for adios2 image data and unstructured grids, and this info was never needed (HDF5 readers would never work), 'cause I am not assuming that A is A(x,y,z), this is purely application dependent (in fact, it could be misleading as explained in previous messages). The reader only needs to know the fastest and slowest index info and map this to VTK's "x" (fast), "y", and "z" (slow).

In terms of maintenance cost, I think there's a pretty good chance that implementing this feature would actually lead to a reduction in lines of code, since reversing dims or not would be decided and done at the core level

Check the number of HDF5 API calls. By maintenance costs I mean: documentation, tutorials, bug fixes, testing, CI, apps integration, issue tickets....lines of code is hardly an indicator of cost. The current APIs already provide a solution we can ship.

Besides, concurrent use of the C++ and Fortran API isn't supported by adios2, anyway.

1) It doesn't have to be concurrent. 2) Concurrency doesn't provide any speedup at the Engine level if blocks go to a single buffer as serialization reduces any parallel portion. 3) Concurrency can easily happen at the IO and ADIOS component levels (they are pretty independent). PIConGPU was doing I/O and computation concurrently with adios1.

I'm not sure what you mean?

Going from Titan to Summit (and Frontier) would require new strategies in the computation and data placement. We still need to study these systems and their policies based on what apps need and we can/can't do before making decisions. I am collecting this info from other communities as well so we can add real value to apps, that's all.

germasch commented 5 years ago

The main point is, if I reversed the dims, adios2 doesn't have that info. So if someone else reads the data / visualizes the data / loads it into python, they end up with the reversed dims, not the original ones.

I recently put VTK reader for adios2 image data and unstructured grids, and this info was never needed (HDF5 readers would never work), 'cause I am not assuming that A is A(x,y,z), this is purely application dependent (in fact, it could be misleading as explained in previous messages). The reader only needs to know the fastest and slowest index info and map this to VTK's "x" (fast), "y", and "z" (slow).

So I guess I don't know what adios2 image data is (maybe I missed it, or is just 2d arrays?). Unstructured grids are usually 1-d lists of nodes and associated data, aren't they? So the index order doesn't really apply. Generic HDF5 readers work most of the time, but not always, because they actually tend to assume that while HDF5 says the data is row-major, the actual data is column major so they un-reverse the dims, assuming they'd be reversed when writing. That works in the vast majority cases, because almost all scientific data tends to be in column-major order, and so the viz app's guess that what's really in the file is column-major even though it says otherwise tends to be a good guess. But you'll find plenty of people that are unhappy that they write their HDF5 file according to the standard but Paraview transposes the data for them because it thinks it knows better. The point is that Paraview has to make a guess, because HDF5 has no way to recover the information. Adios2 is doing better in that it stores whether the data has been written by Fortran or C, but it gets things wrong if one wants to write column-major from C/C++. Which, again, is a really common case, of Fortran's importance in HPC, so people moving to other languages tend to keep the data layout the same so that the data can be shared between the languages. Which is exactly the reason why you may see a[k][j][i], it's not because people like to be different, it's because that's the easiest way to access col-major data from C. In fact, I'm sure those people who use a[k][j][i] would be happy if there were a SetLayout(ColumnMajor), so that their data would be displayed correctly in analysis tools.

You don't have to take it from me, I'll quote this part from @berkgevici from #1553:

This is because the positions in the arrays often have spatial importance (x, y & z for example). Without this kind of meta-data, the visualization tool using a generic reader (without specific knowledge of the data source) would end up loading in a transformed way (z, y, & x) confusing the end user.

Of course, not everything is x,y,z. Say, people may use 3d arrays indexed by (longitude,latitude,height). Even in this case, though, it would be nice if the data after reading it in a generic tool would not be indexed by (height,latitude,longitude), though visualizing it as (x,y,z) would be not optimal either way. So maybe one shouldn't be focused on getting "xyz" vs "zyx" correct, what this is about is to get the indices to be in the same order as the original data.

Check the number of HDF5 API calls. By maintenance costs I mean: documentation, tutorials, bug fixes, testing, CI, apps integration, issue tickets....lines of code is hardly an indicator of cost. The current APIs already provide a solution we can ship.

I don't think I suggested to follow an HDF5 API (which in all those calls still missed describing the data layout). Actually, LOC is a pretty good metric for maintenance cost, and many of the things you mention (bug fixes, testing, CI, bugs) tend to scale with LOC. I don't think one should freely add all kinds of stuff to a API for no good reason and without proper consideration. I don't think my proposed way is the only possible way to do it, but it does fill a gap which is not handled by the current API.

Also, after me having the point made so many times, I think it's misleading to say "The current APIs already provide a solution we can ship." It does not provide a solution to reading data back with its original indexing preserved if one uses C/C++ to write column-major data, which, again, is a common case. Of course you can ship it anyway, and it's still usable. HDF5 has lived with this limitation forever, but why not use the opportunity and learn from others' mistakes?

Having said that, there are some real issues / costs:

Besides, concurrent use of the C++ and Fortran API isn't supported by adios2, anyway.

  1. It doesn't have to be concurrent. 2) Concurrency doesn't provide any speedup at the Engine level if blocks go to a single buffer as serialization reduces any parallel portion. 3) Concurrency can easily happen at the IO and ADIOS component levels (they are pretty independent). PIConGPU was doing I/O and computation concurrently with adios1.

I didn't mean concurrent in the sense of multi-threaded or anything, I mean the Fortran bindings aren't designed in a way where you can open a file in C++ and write some blocks for a Variable, and then write some more blocks in Fortran, even in a serial program.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

It does not provide a solution to reading data back with its original indexing preserved if one uses C/C++ to write column-major data, which, again, is a common case.

This goes back to supporting the selected group of users by adding an extra attribute if that information is important to preserve. My experience is that the latest hasn't been required for visualization (knowing which index is fast/slow is sufficient and if the dims were reversed). What Berk requested was addressed by adding the info at the block level, check the last sentence from his request (after the quote you C&P) which predates that PR.

But you'll find plenty of people that are unhappy that they write their HDF5 file according to the standard but Paraview transposes the data for them because it thinks it knows better.

This is independent of I/O library, I can save file in VTK format and still be presented in Paraview as VTK's "x"->fastest, "y", "z"-> slowest. I don't think there is a workaround if "x" is not your fastest index (or an index at all) in your simulation as it's a design decision in VTK (just like it's a design decision in HDF5, readers just need to accommodate to VTK). I put more info in a previous response.

Anyways, I'd like to hear more from other users and bring awareness of what adios2 does on the topic. You showed that your app still can use adios2 in its current state.

germasch commented 5 years ago

It does not provide a solution to reading data back with its original indexing preserved if one uses C/C++ to write column-major data, which, again, is a common case.

This goes back to supporting the selected group of users by adding an extra attribute if that information is important to preserve. My experience is that the latest hasn't been required for visualization (knowing which index is fast/slow is sufficient and if the dims were reversed). What Berk requested was addressed by adding the info at the block level, check the last sentence from his request (after the quote you C&P) which predates that PR.

You're exactly right that knowing the provided data layout and whether dims is sufficient (and necessary). However, you also are telling me that I need to reverse the dims myself, which I do, but there is no way to tell adios2 that I did, so that information is not stored and hence not available when reading the data back in generic tools. So that information you seem to agree is needed is not available.

I've said that the API would primarily be used by a small group of developers, those that work on generic analysis / viz tools. However, lots of people use those tools, and they're affected when the dims end up being reversed. That includes people using the included adios2 python interface. I'll file that as a separate issue.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

Either way we need to track layout outside of adios2 (it's either a call to std::reverse or an adios2 API function). Let me summarize with code (I just feel that having code would help understand pros/cons, etc.). Today we can do this: Write:

// in C++ so adios2 expects row-major representation
std::reverse(shape.begin(), shape.end() );
var.SetShape( shape );


if( var.BlockInfo[0].IsReverseDims )
{ // if true we know original source ...this is sufficient to map to external tools (if needed). 
// In VTK we map VTK's "x" to the fastest index, not a big deal, 
// we just accommodate to their design decision.

The proposed changes would be: Write

var.SetLayout(column); // hides the fact that we reverse dims internally


auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
var.SetLayout(col); // do we have to set the layout at read?, what's the default layout?
shape = var.Shape();

The one thing it's still an open question is if SetLayout is different from the original layout then adios2 would transpose the data. Which is expensive, but that would be my first impression when looking at the code below:


auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
  var.Get(var, *v); // are we transposing the data?
germasch commented 5 years ago

Either way we need to track layout outside of adios2 (it's either a call to std::reverse or an adios2 API function).

Well, if I use an API function, I'm telling adios2, so that it can keep track internally instead, that's really the major goal here.

Let me summarize with code (I just feel that having code would help understand pros/cons, etc.).

I like code ;)

Today we can do this: Write:

// in C++ so adios2 expects row-major representation
std::reverse(shape.begin(), shape.end() );
var.SetShape( shape );


if( var.BlockInfo[0].IsReverseDims )
{ // if true we know original source ...this is sufficient to map to external tools (if needed). 
// In VTK we map VTK's "x" to the fastest index, not a big deal, 
// we just accommodate to their design decision.

But this wouldn't work, because I did std::reverse myself, so adios2 cannot know about it, and isReverseDims would be false.

Side note: I guess you better not run this on an MPI process that happened to not write a block for this variable, because var.BlockInfo[0] is invalid then.

The proposed changes would be: Write

var.SetLayout(column); // hides the fact that we reverse dims internally


auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
var.SetLayout(col); // do we have to set the layout at read?, what's the default layout?
shape = var.Shape();

You don't have to set the layout at read time, it'll be row-major by default (this is all a C++ API, and row-major is what's currently always assumed, so behavior is unchanged).

If you do, you get the shape that matches the layout you just selected. If you select the original layout, you get the original shape, which is good if you can support it (python/ndarray can, in C++ it depends on what you use for your multi-d arrays. If you only use a multi-d array that's fixed to be row-major, you don't need write the code above, you just read it, and deal with the fact that maybe it's reversed. That's what vtk would do, it'd just read as row-major. The dims may be reversed, and that info is available from GetOriginalLayout(), but you wouldn't do SetLayout() in this case.

The new API, as used above, is admittedly somewhat awkward. It would be more natural to just always return the data in its original shape and layout, as should (and would) be done by the python bindings. But in the C++-API, there isn't any data model beyond using simple pointers, because there is no standardized multi-d array data structure in C++ in the first place. So this only provides the pieces that can be used to build such behavior on top of it. And it's done in a way that preserves compatibility with current behavior.

The one thing it's still an open question is if SetLayout is different from the original layout then adios2 would transpose the data. Which is expensive, but that would be my first impression when looking at the code below:


auto col = var.GetOriginalLayout();
  var.Get(var, *v); // are we transposing the data?

No, the data would never be transposed, only the dims get reversed, just like is currently the case (that's my proposal, anyway, one could transpose the data, but as you say, that's expensive, so it's usually avoided).

pnorbert commented 5 years ago

Kai, let me try to recap what you are proposing here:

What happens if a reader sets the layout to the opposite layout in the same language? Do we need to transpose the data, or assume that the user reverses the dimensions in the read selection for the proper reading, or throw an exception? Probably you said so already, to go for the second option, right?

pnorbert commented 5 years ago

How about an extension to the API with new DefineVariableRowMajor() and DefineVariableColumnMajor() and a read side InquireVariableKeepLayout()? I don't think an extra optional flag fits in the original ones, hence the new names. And then a var.GetLayout() query function.

This way we could have an unmutable property of the Variable object on both sides. Majority of the codes can use the original functions, while Fortran/C++ mixed codes and others could declare the order. Same effect as your SetLayout() function but it does not allow for messing with the blocks and across processes (assuming a code uses the same define function everywhere).

On the read size, InquireVariable()would still do the auto-dim-reversal, and read selections should be in the language's default order, as is right now. On the other hand, InquireVariableKeepLayout() would return the Variable with dimensions as is in the input. Then it's the user's responsibility to form the read selection accordingly.

I don't think I added or removed anything from your original proposal, so correct me if I misunderstood what you have been proposing.

germasch commented 5 years ago

Basically, it is about keeping the current approach of:

The primary difference is in allowing C++ (and hence python) to state what data layout they have/want, rather than assuming it must be row-major.

BP3/BP4 already have a flag that describes whether data is row-major/col-major. Eventually, in future formats, it'd be helpful to support having that flag be per-variable, rather than (somewhat) global (it's per PG right now, I believe).

The invariant is that the data is never reordered. Fortran:


The most interesting case: Data has been written (probably by fortran) as col-major. It's originally 5x10. On disk it's recorded as "col-major 5x10". Currently, in C++, we see var.Shape() == {10,5}. After reading, the data needs to be accessed as data[j][i]. This continues to work the same.

But if you're using a C++ multi-d array class that supports flexible data layouts, or python, you can say

// var.Shape() == {10,5} as of now
layout = var.GetOriginalLayout(); // returns ColumnMajor
if (layout == ColumnMajor) {
  // var.Shape returns {5, 10} now
  auto field = Array<ColMajor>(var.Shape());
  var.Get(field.data()); // read it
  // can use field(i, j) to access things in original order
} else {
  auto field = Array<RowMajor>(var.Shape());
  var.Get(field.data()); // read it
  // can use field(i, j) to access things in original order
germasch commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the cross-over, I just wrote the reply above before reading your subsequent comment.

You're right, DefineVariable{Row,Column}Major, InquireVariableKeepType and a GetLayout would be an alternative to achieve the same thing, so that would do. It's nicer in that the code after InquireVariableKeepType would be more symmetric. On the other hand, I don't really like to have separate functions for what kinda would better be overloads. I think at least DefineVariable could be overloaded instead, and actually, I think there's a way to do it for InquireVariable, too:

auto var = io.InquireVariable<T>("abc", Layout::Original);

which would also allow the flexibility to specify, e.g., Layout::ColumnMajor if one was sure that's what one wants; Layout::RowMajor in that context would be the same behavior that's currently there.

I like an enum class because of future extensibility. For example, when using the hdf5 engine, it could return Layout::Unknown from GetLayout(), because with hdf5 there really is no way to know. And I have some separate ideas about supporting AoS vs SoA in adios2 which could fit in there.

While I'm not too concerned about someone calling SetLayout() in between writing two blocks (you can call SetShape() then, too, if you really want to shoot yourself in the foot), I think I like the your suggestion of using DefineVariable and InquireVariable, but using overloads rather than adding suffixes. It's nicer than having things change under you after a SetLayout() call.

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

In C++ I'd suggest to follow boost, Eigen in case this ever becomes standard in C++ (makes life easier to explain to C++ users) as an extra template parameter: boost: matrix<T,column_major, std::vector<T> > m (size1, size2) eigen: Matrix<int, 3, 4, ColMajor> Acolmajor;

so something along the lines of what @pnorbert suggested:

auto var = io.DefineVariable<T, order> (name, shape, start, count, adios2::isConstantDims);

auto var = io.InquireVariable<T, order> (name);

order is a extendable type, so far the same as numpy: ColumnMajor, RowMajor, Unchanged I still have trouble figuring out A in numpy:

order no copy copy=True
‘K’ unchanged F & C order preserved, otherwise most similar order
‘A’ unchanged F order if input is F and not C, otherwise C order
‘C’ C order C order
‘F’ F order F order

@pnorbert @germasch what do you think?

pnorbert commented 5 years ago

@williamfgc I am fine with that. I was just trying to move the additional functionality into the Define and Inquire steps to have an immutable flag but did not know how to do it right in C++.

But can we keep the original DefineVariable format as well?

williamfgc commented 5 years ago

@pnorbert yes, we'll have to assume defaults not to break current APIs. I'd have to experiment a bit before confirming this 100% applying partial template specialization.

DefineVariable<T, ordering = RowMajor >
germasch commented 5 years ago

As far as 'A' is concerned, what we're trying to do here is the "no copy" approach, so K and A behave the same. (Even though we really are copying, from the BP3 buffer to the provide variable, but we want to do a straight contiguous copy, ie, not transpose or anything.) In numpy, the object you're creating a new array from can be many things, not just row-major vs col-major, it supports at least arbitrarily strided objects, and I think more beyond that. But for adios2, for now there are only exactly two cases for what's on disk / in the serialized buffer, row-major and col-major. So "K", "C", "F" exactly correspond to Original, RowMajor, ColumnMajor. One could add "A" as an alias for "K", but I'm not sure that wouldn't make things more confusing.