Open yxqd opened 8 years ago
Rick A demo on Titan
Rick B:
Action items
Getting the data in and out of Titan is simply accomplished by using sftp. Once the data are coming back from super computer cluster, the file format (binary) are converted back to images using currently a matlab code.
We would like to figure out what is the best strategy to deploy the software developed by Rick&Rick in Acumen project. The first step is probably that we learn how to run your reconstruction software (a demo would really help), and learn the requirements on the computing resources, and also timing and limitations of the current code.
On our side we probably can try to visualize the data that R&R have reconstructed and try to have a better understanding of the quality of those data. We probably will have questions such as how to fine-tune the weighting parameter on the regularization term, or how to determine it from the noise level of the raw data.
Specific questions regarding current workflow