orobix / retina-unet

Retina blood vessel segmentation with a convolutional neural network
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Annotation tool used? #60

Open matsujju opened 5 years ago

matsujju commented 5 years ago

As I can look up to images and their mask, I want to know what annotation tool has been used. The mask seems totally similar to images with fine precision. A very careful labelling is done.

hasibzunair commented 5 years ago

I do not know what was used in this work. But for annotations you can try this

matsujju commented 5 years ago

@hasibzunair I have used that but it can't label images as clean as you have in this dataset and labelling images precisely also helps in improving results. if you don't want to reveal then it's ok.

hasibzunair commented 5 years ago

@matsujju i am not the developer of this tool, neither did I use this. You can try these: