orocos-toolchain / rtt

Orocos Real-Time Toolkit
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the CORBA dispatcher is arbitrarily limited to 20 channels queued for dispatching #207

Open doudou opened 7 years ago

doudou commented 7 years ago

For reference:


What this limit basically means is that if a component triggers more than 20 channels in one dispatch cycle (the simplest case being a single port that has more than 20 outbound connections), some will be lost.

I could probably figure out a fix for this, but I'm not sure what the best way would be. The two fixes I see right now are:

  1. resize the RClist to have at least as many entries as a component has channels. If this could be done in the dispatch thread, it would not affect the realtime-ness of the component itself.
  2. have a "dispatcher pool" and create a new dispatcher every time 20 channels have been assigned to one. Then get dispatchers back to the pool once they're empty.

I would personally favor (2) as it would be in line with the ability to explicitly choose a dispatcher at connection time, a pet feature of mine (thus allowing to create connection domains and isolate connections to each other - as e.g. GUI vs. in-robot or wifi vs. wired)