orocos / orocos_kinematics_dynamics

Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library
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E_NOT_UP_TO_DATE error when using ChainIdSolver_RNE::CartToJnt for a real-time controller #407

Open wych1005 opened 2 years ago

wych1005 commented 2 years ago

Hi @smits @MatthijsBurgh

I have been trying to run the model-based real-time controller from https://github.com/ufrgs-ece/ufrgs_wam on ROS Noetic. I am using Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS on a Lenovo Yoga C930, and am using the 5.15.0-43-generic kernel (as opposed to the PREEMPT_RT-patched one), as the CPU load is not too high. I have configured my user limits as follows:

username soft cpu   unlimited
username -  rtprio 99
username -  nice -20
username -  memlock unlimited

As far as I can see, I have not encountered any issues with setting the scheduler to SCHED_FIFO, or memory locking when I launch the computed torque controller with roslaunch wam_controllers computed_torque.launch. However, when I press the play button in Gazebo, I run into the said E_NOT_UP_TO_DATE error.

I have tried to build this version of orocos_kdl in my catkin workspace (as described in #266), but got a controller spawning error, similar to this. Thus, I have been using the kdl package installed via apt-get liborocos-kdl-dev.

The following modifications were made to computed_torque_controller.cpp for debugging purposes:

Similar to what was done in #266, I made nj and ns public in /usr/include/kdl/chainidsolver_recursive_newton_euler.hpp and modified the following lines in the update() function:

if(idsolver->CartToJnt(q,dq,v,fext,torque) < 0)
    ROS_INFO("nj = %u, ns = %u", idsolver->nj, idsolver->ns);
    // ROS_ERROR("KDL inverse dynamics solver failed.");
    // ROS_INFO("CartToJnt: %d", idsolver->CartToJnt(q,dq,v,fext,torque));

and got the following results : nj = 0, ns = 3279928368. I also checked the values of chain.getNrOfJoints() and chain.getNrOfSegments() after the creation of the chain object in the init() function, and got chain.getNrOfJoints() = 7 and chain.getNrOfSegments() = 9, as expected.

MatthijsBurgh commented 2 years ago

Please make an example as simple as possible, which reproduces the issue.

Then after each line we can print nj and ns. So we can detect what corrupts the data.

wych1005 commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the late reply. IMHO due to its dependence on things such as the JointStateController, the simplest/most practical example to attach is this version of the package, which works in a clean ROS Noetic catkin workspace (with the settings mentioned in my previous message) - in case you're interested in testing it out on your machine (with the real-time configuration, etc. that you see fit).

The previously-mentioned roslaunch command still applies, and the error may be triggered by pressing the play button in Gazebo. It is also possible to send a reference JointTrajectoryPoint with the move_home.sh script in wam_controllers/scripts. In the meantime, I will continue trying to identify the source of this error, and will post an update if I discover anything noteworthy.