oroinc / orocommerce

Main OroCommerce package with core functionality.
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Product Attribute (new) with WYSIWYG type does not work properly on product edit page #145

Open yaroslavbr opened 2 years ago

yaroslavbr commented 2 years ago

New product Attribute with WYSIWYG type does not work properly on product edit page - not possible to apply styling (bold, italic)to the text.

Steps to reproduce


Actual Result Styles panel does not work as expected styles are not applied. 2

Expected Result
Styles should be applied. It should work same as for oro default Description WYSIWYG 3

Details about your environment

Tech hint I think it may be related to the number of WYSIWYGs on the page. So only first works. I dont see any JS errors in the console.

ValeriyYustunyk commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the report. Looks like it is known issue (BB-20802) and it is already fixed in oro/commerce 4.2.7

Have a look to release notes.