oroinc / platform

Main OroPlatform package with core functionality.
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OroEntitySerializedFieldsBundle 4.1.5 does not work on Oro Platform 4.1 #1064

Closed jimohalloran closed 3 years ago

jimohalloran commented 3 years ago

Just did a composer update on an OroCRM 4.1 application. Composer fetched and installed version 4.1.5 of oro/platform-serialised-fields.

Subsequently attempting to run oro:platform:update results in the following error:

In OroEntityExtendBundle.php line 121:

  In CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 86:                     

    The service "oro_serialized_fields.validator.extend_entity_serialized_data"    
     has a dependency on a non-existent service "oro_entity_config.validator.fi    

It looks like 4.1.5 of oro/platform-serialised-fields introduces a dependency on a class (@oro_entity_config.validator.field_config_constraints_factory ) which does not exist in Oro Platform 4.1 (it wasn't introduced until 4.2).

4.1.5 should have been released as a 4.2.* version, or the oro/platform-serialised-fields dependency in crm-application updated to prevent 4.1.5 from being installed since it can't work with Oro Platform 4.1.

Steps to reproduce
Run composer update on an otherwise working OroCRM 4.1.12 application. Note that the oro/platform-serialised-fields dependency is updated. Run oro:platform:update (or itterally any other Oro console command) and you'll see the error above.

Actual Result See error message above.

Expected Result
The update should complete successfully without requiring classes from Oro Platform 4.2.

Details about your environment

chrisaligent commented 3 years ago

We've just confirmed the same issue in OroCommerce 4.1 (Community Edition), running a composer update brings in 4.1.5 of the dependency: 2021-06-03_11-34

This doesn't exist in 4.1: 2021-06-03_11-37

It seems to have been added to Platform 4.1.14 which is Enterprise-only.

anyt commented 3 years ago

Released v4.1.6 of oro/platform-serialised-fields that is actually 4.1.4 with the limitation in composer.json to "oro/platform": ">=4.1.0,<=4.1.13", so it should be in the latest version of a community edition of oro/platform v4.1