orontee / taranis

Local weather data on your PocketBook e-book reader.
GNU General Public License v3.0
20 stars 0 forks source link

Collect ideas for future versions #71

Open orontee opened 9 months ago

orontee commented 9 months ago


Weather data


neilswann80 commented 9 months ago

Would it be worth adding an option to update/download the latest version directly from the app menu? Perhaps having a checkbox option for both stable and pre-release versions?

As for in creasing popularity, marketing via different ereader forums. Perhaps we could add app links and descriptions to our forum signature.

Maybe create a useful post of "Most useful apps" that may get stickied? Most similar posts are now years old, so something more up-to-date could help.

orontee commented 9 months ago

@neilswann80 I created #79 to track the "update" feature. I don't see any difficulties so I'll try to implement that feature for 1.7.0 release.

bit2go commented 5 months ago

hi @orontee, thank you again for this lovely app! My wife has now the InkPad Color 3, so now our request: could we have color version of taranis?

orontee commented 5 months ago

@bit2go Thanks for your feedback!

Support for color is a good idea, but since I only own a Touch HD Plus (with grayscale screen only) it's difficult for me to be pro-active on this topic.

I wrote to both Vivlio (the French distributor) and Pocketbook to know whether they have cheap used device to sell to developers but never got an answer...

That said patch are welcome! (I updated the issue description to mention support of color screens).

neilswann80 commented 5 months ago

I was recently playing with a Crossword KOReader plugin on my ereader and was thinking whether adapting Taranis into LUA would be worthwhile?

It would open up the userbase to any ereader that can run KOReader, rather than limited to Pocketbooks.

orontee commented 5 months ago

@neilswann80 I don't use KOReader at all; The situation is the same as with Caliber, I am somehow allergic to the interface!

Thus I don't mind, but I won't help :slightly_smiling_face:

More seriously, I am thinking of porting Taranis to learn a new language but I'd target Rust, not Lua.

Note that if I were about to write a portable weather app targeting ebook readers, I'd write an application generating an EPUB whose content would be made from the weather forecast; All UI problems solved. Free integration of maps :sparkle: In Python (I am fluent with this scripting language but Lua won't make things harder) you can use a library like Jinja2 to template the EPUB content. Very simple app honestly.