orrybaram / Smelp

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Sushi restaurants around Union Square are linking to wrong Yelp pages #1

Open nelsonpecora opened 10 years ago

nelsonpecora commented 10 years ago

If you go on Seamless around union square, the top handful of restaurants seem to be linking to different yelp pages (of other sushi restaurants), even though those sushi restaurants have yelp pages of their own. see: Iron Sushi (links to the Yasuda yelp page). For some reason, it only seems to mess up on sushi restaurants.

Also, that first screenshot in the Chrome web store? That's my neighborhood, haha. I ordered from Forcella last week.

orrybaram commented 10 years ago

Yeah I've noticed this problem. I'll see what I can do to make the search results more accurate.

Yup, I live in Williamsburg too.