orsharir / github-mathjax

Chrome extension for rendering LaTeX equations in GitHub with MathJax
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Opt-out for some file types #32

Open alf239 opened 4 years ago

alf239 commented 4 years ago

Scala's diffs are a mess with the plugin: when you have an interpolated srting, it is likely to have some $s in it, and those are treated as \LaTeX which is a bit strange in the context.

Is there a way to suppress MathJax processing for specific file types?

alf239 commented 4 years ago

The MathJax.Hub.Typeset() command also accepts a parameter that is a DOM element whose contents is to be typeset. That could be a paragraph, or a <div> element, or even a MathJax math <script> tag. It could also be a the DOM id of such an object, in which case, MathJax will look up the DOM element for you. So


would typeset the mathematics contained in the element whose id is MathExample. This is equivalent to

var math = document.getElementById("MathExample");

If no element or element id is provided, the whole document is typeset.

And it seems that the Scala sources can be identified by an attribute data-file-type=".scala" in a div that's before the parent div with class js-file-content Details-content--hidden