orta / pragmatic-testing

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How to translate this project for specific languages? #10

Closed dakeshi closed 8 years ago

dakeshi commented 8 years ago

Hi. @orta

I find out this project while reading Artsy engineering contents. I'm a big fan of Artsy and your members :smile: I always appreciate what Artsy did and will do in OSS commnunity :+1:

This is a great writing and very helpful to many programmers. So, I'd like to translate this project to Korean. Is there some rules for contributing translation? (ex : https://github.com/progit/progit2/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)

orta commented 8 years ago

Hrm, interesting, thanks!

So, that's a good question, pro-git is a great example in this context - to do that properly I'd need to move this repo into an org, which isn't a particular problem for me. I've already just been tweeted to about making a contributions.md - so consider this high on my agenda!

dakeshi commented 8 years ago

Thanks @orta

Hmm, What do you think about using asciidoc for main documents format? As Scott Chacon, proGit's main distributor, mentioned in his story, I think that asciidoc is better choice for technical writing, supporting various formats than markdown.

orta commented 8 years ago

I think that's a good choice when you're working full time on a long technical book, but I'm optimising for existing developer tooling - using the most used text format, and writing simple ruby code to optimise things when needed

dakeshi commented 8 years ago

If you do not feel any problems with Markdown, it's OK. :smile: I just suggest another option to write documents focused on contents.

But I just want you to know asciidoc is not for professional writers, it is very easy as much as Markdown usage. And there are a lot of tools to support asciidocs representations.

If you use Alamofire to abstract away NSURLSession, why not use something to abstract away the nitty gritty of URLs, parameters, etc? -from Moya repo

orta commented 8 years ago

I respect that, but last time I stopped working on my book because I kept working on the tooling.

It's easier to mess around with that then writing a chapter, so if I don't mess around with it, I focus more on the writing.

dakeshi commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I didn't think of that. I agree that converting and publishing make another issue and need to care about it. Thanks for your considering on this issue.