ortelius / ortelius

The mission of the Ortelius community is to expose weak links in the software supply chain by continuously gathering and analyzing software supply chain intelligence introduced across the DevOps pipeline and connected to your deployed environments.
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Create personas for Opensource community contributors (wrt to ortelius) #145

Closed Neetuj closed 3 years ago

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

Just like the product has user/buyer personas which helps us understand who they are , what they are looking to do and why same way opensource contributers persona can help us understand the who , what and why behind our contributors and help us support them

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

@sbtaylor15 @TracyRagan @jiakalita

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

@tlazebnyk this will be a good one to start with here are a couple of personas I have in mind (we can use the same persona format that we have been using in the past) 1) Programmer Polly ( professional already in this space and interested in contributing to this project) 2) Programmer Paula ( early career new to this space/language but already into programming looking to expand her skills and build an online resume for breaking into a new job) 3) Enthusiast Ellie ( Interested in learning new skills and getting involves in some open source project to find a tribe and get involved) 4) Project- Prachi (interested in helping with project mgmt side of f/oss project to help it grow) 5) Product- Peter( interested in helping with the end-user-value-focused development and communication of this f/oss to help with marketing, evangelization and prioritization and stakeholder communication) 6) Veteran- volt ( experienced f/oss contributor interested in helping in growing this project by helping others onboard and get ramped up)

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

Sounds good @Neetuj I will start working on the suggested list. Thank you.

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

I've started Google doc for contributors personas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLsYp_CiNoKo96ErrcTGeKNXUhJmktMDhofc0vlDInI/edit?usp=sharing

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

@sbtaylor15 fyi

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

@Neetuj @sbtaylor15 @TracyRagan I have finished 2nd document with personas for Ortelius community contributors. Can be found by the link and in the comment below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lLsYp_CiNoKo96ErrcTGeKNXUhJmktMDhofc0vlDInI/edit?usp=sharing


Programmer Polly (professional already in this space and is interested in contributing to this project)

Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings, code reviews, blogs, book/online resources, technology review sessions with Senior Engineering Leadership


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points:


Programmer Paula (early career, new to this space/language, but already into programming looking to expand her skills and build an online resume for breaking into a new job)

Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings, code reviews, blogs, book/online resources, technology review sessions with Senior community members


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points:

  1. Enthusiast Ellie (Interested in learning new skills and getting involved in some open source project to find a tribe and get involved)

    Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points:


Product manager - Peter (interested in helping with the end-user-value-focused development and communication of this f/oss to help with marketing, evangelization and prioritization and stakeholder communication)

Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points:


Veteran - Volt (experienced f/oss contributor interested in helping in growing this project by helping others onboard and get ramped up)

Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Community board meetings, conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources


Why: Frustrations/Blockers/Pain Points: With industry innovations evolving, it might be a challenge to find a good new product to support and invest your time and effort


Data Scientist - Anna (experienced professional interested in growing this project by providing data insights)

Who Role:

What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources Motivations:

Why: Frustrations:


Support Engineer - Dave (professional in supporting systems within FinTech domain with no experience in CI/CD tools development)

Who Role:


What Goals:

RTM: Conferences, trainings/meetups, blogs, book/online resources


Why: Frustrations:

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

This looks great! @tlazebnyk ! great work! @jiakalita you can find the personas here.

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

@jiakalita @tlazebnyk @sbtaylor15 @TracyRagan to be able to use these personas in a form either we can use the one-line description of the personas we have at the beginning of the issue .. or we can simplify and create some visuals around them ? these persona details are good for our "deep dive" and understanding into how to serve these personas but they are not "readily/easily consumable in current format" by a new contributor who is just exploring. Let me know what you think/prefer

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

Option 1:- use the online description of each persona in the volunteer entry form Option 2:- create visuals based on the current personas we have for usability. If we go with option 2 :- here is a Visuals for Personas template (we will have to customize it based on our needs) tracy@deployhub.com Steve Taylor we will need your inputs on which fields from above are more important to add to the visual ..once we have the fields finalized I can modify the template and then we can populate the visuals if you think visual will add value. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fBQeSdXuUHsMUMoft-11QA_8l4MgorYLhkCbjIblCJg/edit?usp=sharing

jiakalita commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Neetuj and @tlazebnyk for the user personas. For the purpose of the Google form, I suggest we stick to the brief, one-line descriptions to keep it simple and later can share these detailed templates once they are ready.

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

@Neetuj Thank you too! From my experience visuals would be great to represent personas. I am also thinking about adding one more - Support Engineer/Customer Support internal contributor to support Ortelius once adoption by developers is spin off.

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

@Neetuj @TracyRagan @jiakalita Edited initial comment with personas details above, added:

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

sounds good @tlazebnyk. Do you have a started template to work for the visuals? if not I pulled one here feel free to edit that one https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fBQeSdXuUHsMUMoft-11QA_8l4MgorYLhkCbjIblCJg/edit#slide=id.p1 we might want to change some fields -

These are just suggestions .. feel free to suggest/make any other changes that you feel make sense.

@jiakalita n the form you can add the one-line descriptions and then link to a google doc if they are interested in knowing more about the personas.

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

@Neetuj thank you! I will pick it up and continue with visuals for both internal and external personas. ETA - next Tuesday 12/8.

tlazebnyk commented 3 years ago

@Neetuj @jiakalita Added corresponding visuals to all personas - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Cbe2CJ0Y_0Z3MM2ZS49NUxuW5N6JpmkhWfqH0opU7iA/edit?usp=sharing

@Neetuj I was not able to remove sections we do not need in the template from Compose.ly so worked on another template.

Neetuj commented 3 years ago

This looks great! Thanks @tlazebnyk