orthecreedence / wookie

Asynchronous HTTP server in common lisp
MIT License
189 stars 19 forks source link

fast-http: no local exit #68

Closed nightshade427 closed 9 years ago

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

I get this when hitting wookie with a route that doesnt exist.

<WARN> [22:25:14] wookie - (route) Missing route: NIL                                                                 
 <ERROR> [22:25:14] wookie - (hook) Error running hooks (socket #<TCP-SOCKET                                            
                                                                  {100B1F2023}>): attempt to RETURN-FROM a block or GO \
to a tag that no longer exists 
orthecreedence commented 9 years ago

Any chance you're doing a return in one of your hooks? I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you give me a test case? Thanks!

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

Here is a test case, add the hook below and hit a route that exists (no error or isssue) then hit a route that doesnt exists (you get the error above):

(add-hook :pre-route                                                                                                    
          #'(lambda (hreq hres)                                                                                         
              (with-promise (res rej)                                                                                   
                (alet ((result (carrier:request "http://www.apple.com/" :return-body t)))                               
orthecreedence commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the huge lag on this. Can you confirm this is still a problem? Having trouble reproducing. Here's my setup:

(ql:quickload '(:wookie :carrier))

(defpackage :errtest
  (:use :cl :wookie :blackbird))
(in-package :errtest)

(add-hook :pre-route                                                                                                    
          #'(lambda (hreq hres)                                                                                         
              (with-promise (res rej)                                                                                   
                (alet ((result (carrier:request "http://www.apple.com/" :return-body t)))                               

(defroute (:get "/") (req res)
  (send-response res :body "hai"))

(defun start ()
  (let ((wookie-config:*debug-on-error* t))
    (as:with-event-loop ()
      (start-server (make-instance 'listener :port 6969)))))


Testing with

$ curl
$ curl
Route for that resource not found =[.

Wookie log shows <WARN> [18:57:58] wookie - (route) Missing route: NIL

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

Here is what I used to test using latest ql from april and master git repo of: cl-async, blackbird, carrier, fast-http

(ql:quickload '("wookie" "carrier"))                                                                                    

 #'(lambda (hreq hres)                                                                                                  
     (bb::with-promise (res rej)                                                                                        
        (bb:alet ((result (carrier:request "http://www.apple.com/" :return-body t)))                                    
          (res result))                                                                                                 
        (t (e) (rej e))))))                                                                                             

(vom:config t :info)                                                                                                    

(as:with-event-loop (:catch-app-errors t)                                                                               
  (wookie:start-server (make-instance 'wookie:listener :port 8888)))

Then did:

curl "http://nick.devs.firma8.com:8888/yell"; echo                                                    
Route for that resource not found =[.

Looked at repl:

<NOTICE> [16:34:36] wookie - (start) Starting Wookie                                                      
  <WARN> [16:34:51] wookie - (route) Missing route: NIL                                                                 
 <ERROR> [16:34:51] wookie - (hook) Error running hooks (socket #<TCP-SOCKET                                            
                                                                  {100CC7DAA3}>): attempt to RETURN-FROM a block or GO \
to a tag that no longer exists

If I do the same as above but leave the hook out, I get:

<NOTICE> [16:39:06] wookie - (start) Starting Wookie                                                      
  <WARN> [16:39:11] wookie - (route) Missing route: NIL
orthecreedence commented 9 years ago

I found the cause of the issue (and will push a fix today), but it points out another problem. For some reason, when debugging is enabled for wookie/blackbird the error is just swallowed up and never reaches the REPL. However, if debugging is disabled in blackbird blackbird:*debug-on-error* => nil the error is caught and printed out. Strange.

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

Awesome, thanks!! Let me know and I can test it out :)

orthecreedence commented 9 years ago

I believe this is fixed, see 7259c10.

Also, remember that :catch-app-errors t will silently ignore errors unless you give it a lambda.

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

Error seems to be gone now. Thanks!

It now only says <WARN> [14:11:33] wookie - (route) Missing route: NIL it should say <WARN> [14:11:33] wookie - (route) Missing route: "/test-missing-route"

orthecreedence commented 9 years ago

This is fixed in cfe9c4b, can you confirm?

nightshade427 commented 9 years ago

perfect! thanks!