ortiza5 / modding-vivaldi

A not-even-WIP-anymore collection of guides about modifying the Vivaldi browser
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Logo #17

Closed code3z closed 3 years ago

code3z commented 3 years ago

Today I made a logo :)

code3z commented 3 years ago

It is based off the chrome devtools logo I found and made with Boxy SVG Editor. https://github.com/code3z/modding-vivaldi/blob/logo/assets/images/logo/logo.svg

ghost commented 3 years ago


code3z commented 3 years ago

Here are a few reasons: Favicon Header image ("home button") for docs Header image for main page / README Speed dial thumbnail for the guide Speed dial thumbnail for vivaldi:inspect#apps ( will create multiple SD variations) It's unlikely, but if we did use GitHub organizations or something, we'd need an avatar To make the project more official!

ghost commented 3 years ago

Favicon Header image ("home button") for docs

Yes, cool.

Header image for main page / README

I don’t see a reason for it, but maybe.

Speed dial thumbnail for the guide

Yes, cool.

Speed dial thumbnail for vivaldi:inspect#apps ( will create multiple SD variations)

…as another use for it, yes, cool.

It's unlikely, but if we did use GitHub organizations or something, we'd need an avatar

It’s unlikely.

To make the project more official!

Uhh, what? How is it official?

code3z commented 3 years ago

I’d welcome if it were centred, maybe even with less padding from top & left. Could you also try to make an outline version, to see how that would look like

Should be done now.

ortiza5 commented 3 years ago

The only issue I have with it, that the Chrome devTools logo suffers from also, is that the grid lines are too subtle and get completely squashed at small sizes. We could maybe have thicker lines or try something else? I have recently gotten a lot of experience in using Inkscape to make SVGs, so if you want me to do anything, let me know.

Could you also try to make an outline version, to see how that would look like?

I gave creating an outlined V a try, if this is what you are talking about:


code3z commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 Wow, looks nice! Yes, Could you make the background lines thicker?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Maybe you should make this pull request instead. Make a logo branch, create assets/images/logo, add a README and files.

I will try Inkscape if I try something like this again, Boxy SVG editor is not very good.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Oh, well, I already got Inkscape and adjusted the width. It wasn't as hard as I thought.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 Can you please upload your SVG with the thin V?

ortiza5 commented 3 years ago

Well, guess you have to be a contributor to add commits to someone else's pull request. I will share it another way.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 You don’t need to commit, just upload in SVG not PNG format.

ortiza5 commented 3 years ago

Here, I also trimmed the grid lines and added them to a group to do coloring. This got rid of the combining opacities where the overlapped, but that can be changed back if you wanted that.

code3z commented 3 years ago

So: Do we want an outline logo or a solid logo? Or small sizes are solid and large sizes are outline.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Or small sizes are solid and large sizes are outline.

I’m for this (with the outlines being even thinner, like in the original). Plus the small ones (<=32px or <32px, or else?) probably don’t need the grid lines.

code3z commented 3 years ago

with the outlines being even thinner, like in the original

What do you mean?

Do you mean the grid lines? I think I like them slightly bigger (150% or something)

ghost commented 3 years ago

with the outlines being even thinner, like in the original

What do you mean?

Do you mean the grid lines? I think I like them slightly bigger (150% or something)

For the outline versions, I think the outline of the V shouldn’t be as thick – look at the outline in the Chromish icon.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Oh. Yes, maybe slightly less thick, but it should still be easily visible.

code3z commented 3 years ago

What about this? I partially filled in the "V" and removed the circle. It could be fully filled in for the favicon.


code3z commented 3 years ago


ghost commented 3 years ago

Seen that. You’ll have to put a different license on it…

code3z commented 3 years ago

Seen that. You’ll have to put a different license on it…

Both the DevTools and the "V" are licensed under CC-BY, atlemo said it was okay to use, so CC-BY should work fine.

Does a darker logo look good?


ghost commented 3 years ago

If I understand this correctly

the V-shape itself is also a trademarked symbol

the copy in this repo shouldn’t be the least bit more permissive than the original, at least as for the V-shape (aka you should add the above quote, just little reworded). Otherwise, I guess CC-BY (the appropriate version) shouldn’t cause any problems.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Please recreate the bitmap icons from SVG, not other bitmaps. All the large ones are blurred. Why the speed dials, btw.?

You mean the speed dials are blurred? Should I just take them out?

ghost commented 3 years ago

You mean the speed dials are blurred?

Not only them, but everything above some size. You’ll have to export them from Inkscape to get them sharp.

Should I just take them out?

You don’t have to if you give a reason for having them.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I’ve put the two Vs into one & pulled it through SVGO. I removed the other file coz diff told me they were the same.

Feel free to revert that commit (25ff6ecfa03270e0e3e994ed7be6aee73881d8f4) if you need to.

code3z commented 3 years ago

The SD thumbnails are so that users can get thumbnails with good colors without doing any work. They also help to test out the theme colors. Even though they may look blurry on GitHub, at the size of a Vivaldi speed dial (even with the “Huge” setting) they should work fine.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Even though they may look blurry on GitHub, at the size of a Vivaldi speed dial (even with the “Huge” setting) they should work fine.

Why are they so large then?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Even though they may look blurry on GitHub, at the size of a Vivaldi speed dial (even with the “Huge” setting) they should work fine.

Why are they so large then?

That’s just the way the speed dial generator exported them. I can fix it in the future but not this pull request.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 Would you like to request changes?

ghost commented 3 years ago

I can fix it in the future but not this pull request.

Why? (Curious)

code3z commented 3 years ago

I can fix it in the future but not this pull request.

Why? (Curious)

Because I want to make sure everyone is okay with the Logo and it becomes "official" before putting too much effort into things that contain the logo.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Could we use this folder structure?



code3z commented 3 years ago

I think I will take speed-dial out of this PR

ortiza5 commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 Would you like to request changes?

I think it looks good 👍 Only thing would be to run the SVG through SVGO Like @tiosgz said. That just helps get rid of some of the unnecessary junk Inkscape tacks on and simplify some overly specific paths (if there are any).

The change from circle to square in the grid does look better. The circle made it look a bit too Chrome-ish.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@ortiza5 Thanks! @tiosgz ready ran it through SVGO.

luetage commented 3 years ago

To me the logo looks a little childish. At least get rid of the diagonal lines, they really mess the whole thing up.

code3z commented 3 years ago

I think that would make it look too much like the Vivaldi logo. It is supposed to look like a blueprint.

Maybe take out the rounded corners?

luetage commented 3 years ago

Take out the trademarked V, if you don’t want it to look like Vivaldi. Anyway, we can still ask around in the community whether someone wants to design a logo, we have some very talented designers.

code3z commented 3 years ago


code3z commented 3 years ago

@tiosgz Anything else before merging?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Yes, fix the blurred images in favicon/.

I remember you created a topic on the forum. Do you consider it resolved?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Yes, fix the blurred images in favicon/.

Does it look okay now?

I remember you created a topic on the forum. Do you consider it resolved?

I consider the licensing issues resolved.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Humm, now I’m wondering why so many sizes. Have you got any particular reason?

code3z commented 3 years ago

No, that's just how the generator I picked did it, I can take more out, which do you want to take out?

However it's less than 200kb, maybe we could just leave them in for now.

ghost commented 3 years ago

No, that's just how the generator I picked did it, I can take more out, which do you want to take out?

At best – all. I would just keep a few ‘usual’ sizes like 24, 48, 64, 128, maybe 192.

However it's less than 200kb, maybe we could just leave them in for now.

This philosophy is what makes some things grow large even if they don’t have to.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Is it good now?

There are 3 android, 3 Apple, 3 fav icon, 1 MS

ghost commented 3 years ago

795dae0ba31dbf967179ce114ae94776f7c5093a only reverts the SVG to its minified version. Check that you are okay with 9dfab817ecead99d46ec4c52d63511fbc8fbec4c. Otherwise I think this can go in.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Check that you are okay with 9dfab81. Otherwise I think this can go in.

Yes, it’s fine.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Was just experimenting, but IMO it didn’t look good.