ortiza5 / modding-vivaldi

A not-even-WIP-anymore collection of guides about modifying the Vivaldi browser
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Add installation instructions #4

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

I have yet to finish the JS part, but I thought I would leave it here already to check if you have a different idea about how it should be done.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Since neither of you is watching this repo, I’ll have to mention you, @code3z & @ortiza5. Please watch the repo if you want to know about new PRs & issues. Thanks.

code3z commented 3 years ago

Ok, I will watch it

code3z commented 3 years ago

I’ll look into this more, but things to mention: One file vs multi file @LonMcGregor script Scripts posted to forum VivaldiHooks How to make a text file and recommended text editors Sample mod to install?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Also, write how to disable mods

ghost commented 3 years ago

I see, thanks for the reminders :)

code3z commented 3 years ago

The other thing is, what do you assume people know how to do? Open a terminal? Write some JSON? Create a plain text file?

This is different from almost all the other guides in the repo because it does not necessarily require coding or even much technical knowledge.

You can put “prerequisites” at the top.

ghost commented 3 years ago

The other thing is, what do you assume people know how to do? Open a terminal? Write some JSON? Create a plain text file?

Of all that only creating a plain text file should be needed, & I want to add it somewhere at the bottom.

code3z commented 3 years ago

So, you will have instructions to open the terminal?

ghost commented 3 years ago

No, why?

Zalext commented 3 years ago

Hi, Should the Mods be reapplied on Linux?

If I recall, on Mint saw that the used folder is the same, not a new Version #. Does it delete the Custom.js as well as the Browser.html?

For the last notes for Paths, it might be good to add the OS version for each one, will avoid people asking, which is the path to use.

Zalext commented 3 years ago

Maybe unnecessary, but I would add a folder structure template:

My Docs/


There you have the original files for Js to Copy/Paste, the working CSS, and the Lab to test before convert to "Default" for each one.

V Stuff folder would be used for the rest of things, BackUps, Custom Menus, Flags/Prefs JSONs...

It will give a Guide on where to save / work for future things.

Zalext commented 3 years ago

Forgot to mention on to add some useful Tools.

On my side, for example on Win, Notepad++ as a simple but powerful tool. Even has a PortableApps.com version.

For Linux I don't know, seen VIM and others most related to DE but I don't know what would be suggested.

Dev tools as Atom, Sublime and others may be mentioned as a next step for those interested in create new ones and starts from here [V Modding Guide] without previous Dev surface.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Should the Mods be reapplied on Linux?

Yes, altough there’s less work to do.

If I recall, on Mint saw that the used folder is the same, not a new Version #.

That’s right, & that’s how it’s written. (Have you read it?)

Does it delete the Custom.js as well as the Browser.html?

Depends on the OS – if the path includes the version-numbered folder, it does.

For the last notes for Paths, it might be good to add the OS version for each one, will avoid people asking, which is the path to use

It is the same on all versions of each OS.

Maybe unnecessary, but I would add a folder structure template

The basic suggestions already present seem enough for this guide. There may be a new one discussing managing mods more thoroughly.

Forgot to mention on to add some useful Tools.

Not needed in this guide.

Zalext commented 3 years ago


Yes, Seems I Jumped that part.

Yes, Then noticed that the Tools part it's for another Guide.


code3z commented 3 years ago

@tiosgz I do think a folder structure could be good. The tools and stuff are a separate guide, this one is not about creating mods.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@tiosgz I would include an automated way as the main option for JS mods. Adding each file by hand is too tedious.

ghost commented 3 years ago

I do think a folder structure could be good.

There’s the whole using-mods/ dir & I think some parts of the guide (mostly TODOs?) should be separated. A guide describing the ‘recommended’ approach (or approaches) to managing mods would be better IMO.

I would include an automated way as the main option for JS mods. Adding each file by hand is too tedious.

The problem is that each of the tools is used differently, and I don’t know of any that is guaranteed to work everywhere.

code3z commented 3 years ago

The problem is that each of the tools is used differently, and I don’t know of any that is guaranteed to work everywhere.

Well, the LonM script requires a little technical knowledge but should work everywhere. You could at least provide links to the automated methods.

ghost commented 3 years ago

2d1ef293a0358dfd8814ef66539c64f8a67d1cce (though I should move it into the JS part instead of the common intro)

code3z commented 3 years ago

Could you give us an example of the three back ticks and language? I didn’t know you can do that in markdown.

code3z commented 3 years ago

I assumed by specify the language you meant, like, don’t post random code.

ortiza5 commented 3 years ago

Could you give us an example of the three back ticks and language? I didn’t know you can do that in markdown.

Like so:


function example() {




<div class="example"> ... </div>


It is just so it gives proper syntax highlighting

code3z commented 3 years ago

@tiosgz I mean in the contributing guidelines!

ghost commented 3 years ago

I think that this one should be done, what do you think?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Yes, it looks nice. But there is one thing: I think you should encourage the use of automated methods more. (Do you use a manual method yourself?)

ghost commented 3 years ago

I think you should encourage the use of automated methods more.

Hmm, yes, you’re probably right, but I don’t want to do that yet (in this PR? or should this PR wait?). It would mean that we have to pick and test some – preferably only one universal – and ask its author it they don’t mind, and then we can have a guide for automated install. That’s how I see it.

(Do you use a manual method yourself?

No, I use a custom ‘works on my machine™’ script together with ALPM hooks.

code3z commented 3 years ago

@tiosgz Could we merge this now? All I was asking was for wording like: “Installing JS mods must be done on each update and can be tedious, so I recommend an automated method instead.”

ghost commented 3 years ago

Could we merge this now?


All I was asking was for wording like: “Installing JS mods must be done on each update and can be tedious, so I recommend an automated method instead.”

…which leads to questions how to do that. Yes, it should be there, but I’d let it wait for the missing guides. Is that okay?

code3z commented 3 years ago

which leads to questions how to do that

Change this:

This guide describes how to install your modifications manually

To this:

This guide describes how to install your modifications manually, but you may want to use the python script or the methods on the forum to make it easier.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Should be good to go?

code3z commented 3 years ago

Yes, looks good :)