orucanil / CarouselView

Carousel View
MIT License
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Resizing/Rotating Screen causes inexplicable issues #4

Open JohnnyBaggins opened 7 years ago

JohnnyBaggins commented 7 years ago

Hi, I've been working with this framework the last couple of days. While I am extremely happy with what it does (I was able to show a carousel of AVPlayerLayers fairly effortless), I am now heavily struggling with rotating the screen. No matter where I try to catch the rotation, the carousel does wander randomly all over the screen, cropping off parts of the player that I'm showing or even deleting it as a whole. Not handling the rotation at all does not help because the player would then be in the incorrect format to support the played video (or at least not use the full screen that's available, think of 10:9 on a normal iPad).

My basic question, therefore is: How should one catch screen size changes with this carousel? Should I at all? If so, where? Should I scale the carousel or the view on the carousel? Should I use auto resizing masks? I'm sort of at your mercy here. Is changing screen size even implemented on this tool?

Thank you.