Open orviwan opened 10 years ago
I would prefer temperature plus a small icon indicting the weather condition - sunny, rainy, etc with the option to disable either in the settings menu. The best fit would probably be between the battery percent and the bluetooth symbol.
What are the bars to the left of the BT symbol? Signal strength? Can you can add an option to hide that and the BT icon? Otherwise that row might look cluttered with the weather information.
Thanks! Mark
Ha, great question. Perhaps below the BT symbol unless that would look too cluttered. Font sized to match the date or a hair smaller to help it fit.
As far as what to show...The look of the watch face is awesome now obviously, so a minimal temp display is ideal. I think just the temp number itself. No need to add "sunny/cloudy, etc" Optional F/C
Just like this: 90°
Thanks again for considering it.
Hey @orviwan I really like the minimal weather in the analog Modern watchface.
I'd personally replace those vertical bars (what are those?) to the left of the BT icon with this "Modern" style weather + tiny icon. I haven't done C in years or any watchface work but I might fork this and try to work on a PR if you don't have any plans to work on weather anytime soon :)
Do you have any suggestions on where the weather would be displayed? Just a temperature next to the Bluetooth icon, or something else?
That would be a good place... Maybe with some small icons for sunny, cloudy, rain, and snow. Also, another idea would be to change the face on shake. The Pip Boy 100 face does this and I thought it was a really good idea. It will give you all the room you need to show temp, icon, and maybe city name. The city name could be abbreviated like on G-Shocks LAX for Los Angeles, MIA for Miami. Thanks for replying back! I wouldn't mind donating a buck or two to you if you can make this happen. Let me know how I can do that!