ory / dockertest

Write better integration tests! Dockertest helps you boot up ephermal docker images for your Go tests with minimal work.
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Error from docker.NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg() when auths is empty #487

Open tschaub opened 10 months ago

tschaub commented 10 months ago

Preflight checklist

Ory Network Project

No response

Describe the bug

When a ~/.docker/config.json file has an empty auths member, the docker.NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg() function returns a misleading error.

Reproducing the bug

Given this main.go:

package main

import (


func main() {
    authConfigs, err := docker.NewAuthConfigurationsFromDockerCfg()
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("auth configurations: %#v\n", authConfigs)

I see this error logged:

# go run main.go
2023/11/11 12:35:31 open /Users/tim/.dockercfg: no such file or directory
exit status 1

My Docker ~/.docker/config.json looks like this:

  "auths": {},
  "credHelpers": {
    "asia.gcr.io": "gcloud",
    "eu.gcr.io": "gcloud",
    "gcr.io": "gcloud",
    "marketplace.gcr.io": "gcloud",
    "staging-k8s.gcr.io": "gcloud",
    "us.gcr.io": "gcloud"
  "credsStore": "desktop"

Relevant log output

No response

Relevant configuration

No response



On which operating system are you observing this issue?


In which environment are you deploying?


Additional Context

It looks like in the config.json parsing, if the auths object has no members: https://github.com/ory/dockertest/blob/f37306e92827a6c95cd48945e86bad5f2a51e9fe/docker/auth.go#L119-L121

then an assumption is made that the config file will be a map[string]dockerConfig: https://github.com/ory/dockertest/blob/f37306e92827a6c95cd48945e86bad5f2a51e9fe/docker/auth.go#L124-L127

The structure of my config.json doesn't match that. My config.json was recently updated after a docker logout ghcr.io.

# docker version
 Cloud integration: v1.0.29
 Version:           20.10.21
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.18.7
 Git commit:        baeda1f
 Built:             Tue Oct 25 18:01:18 2022
 OS/Arch:           darwin/arm64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

Server: Docker Desktop 4.15.0 (93002)
  Version:          20.10.21
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.18.7
  Git commit:       3056208
  Built:            Tue Oct 25 17:59:41 2022
  OS/Arch:          linux/arm64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.10
  GitCommit:        770bd0108c32f3fb5c73ae1264f7e503fe7b2661
  Version:          1.1.4
  GitCommit:        v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0
kdescoteaux-uptycs commented 3 months ago

Part of the problem is that dockertest doesn't seem to have any support for docker-credential-<name> credential helpers. Your config file specifies docker-credential-gcloud should be used for multiple registries. Other config files might have empty entries under auth because they use the default platform helper, e.g. docker-credential-osxkeychain

    "auths": {
        "1234567890.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com": {}