ory / kratos

The most scalable and customizable identity server on the market. Replace your Homegrown, Auth0, Okta, Firebase with better UX and DX. Has all the tablestakes: Passkeys, Social Sign In, Multi-Factor Auth, SMS, SAML, TOTP, and more. Written in Go, cloud native, headless, API-first. Available as a service on Ory Network and for self-hosters.
Apache License 2.0
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Support End to End Encryption #1246

Closed jordanisaacs closed 8 months ago

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I am interested in having end to end encryption in my app that I am building. However this can't be done with how ory kratos is set up currently. Password are validated on the server before hashing. Also, it isn't possible to secure the encryption key on the server side.

Describe the solution you'd like

Support the option to turn on end to end encryption. The flows would look something like this:



Password Change:

Account Recovery:

Other implementations/resources:

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

Hey this is a cool idea! We also need a couple of other things though:

  1. Parsing of the identity traits server-side to understand the identity model and do things like:
    1. sending a recovery email
    2. sending a verification email
  2. be able to update profiles and again validate and interpret/parse the traits
  3. be able to see if a user is already signed up with the e.g. recovery email

There's more to this list - how could we support these things?

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

I imagine that all that should be added is an option in the identity schema to toggle encryption for traits such as:

"trait": {
    "type": "string"
    "ory.sh/kratos": {
        "encryption": {
            "encrypted": true
            "validator": xxxx

If the trait is encrypted then skip validation on the server side but provide the validation that should be done client side (similar to passwords). Therefore the trait JSON model stays the same.

Thus all the standard trait management would stay the same. There would be some additional logic that would need to parse the identity schema to determine if the validation needs to be skipped before updating the server. While I am not going to comment on details of cryptographic algorithms as I am not a security expert, the standard is some form of AES. So to ensure against attacks the encrypted traits could be validated as X bits.

In regards to verifiers/identifiers they would not be allowed to be encrypted. So it would work as standard kratos. Password managers don't encrypt the emails so I take that as its standard in e2e encrypted apps that the email/identifiers won't be. They explicitly say that the emails are used for account management (verification, recovery, etc.) which is the scope of kratos.

Two whitepapers I skimmed:

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

Here is a diagram I drew of a more detailed registration flow to visualize how validation/encryption of traits would work and identifiers. e2e

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

That’s pretty smart! I did not think about partial encryption of user data but that makes a ton of sense. We could also add a „vault“ to identities which has BLOB storage for encrypted data that would allow you to store any information in there (AES, assymetric, ...) and could reduce complexity on our end because the data is kept independently. However, it would make sign up processes harder for the implementor. What do you think?

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

And if I understand correctly the key derivation function uses the end-user’s password (what if we don’t have a password and only social sign in?) to derive a key which is used to encrypt the data - hence only the user (if we don’t leak the password in e.g. a logfile by accident and we can trust the operator - eg reverse proxy- not to listen to it) can decrypt it?

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

I like the BLOB/vault idea as it generalizes the flows to store any protected data you want. So I am imagining to support end-to-end encryption there would be three configurations needed. This is a summary of what has been discussed so far:

  1. Option to turn off password validation (it would be done client side).
    • This option would enable the use of keys as passwords.
  2. Separate client/server side validation for identity traits.
    • Allows for client side validation of encrypted data. while still allowing for server side validation (such as the trait is present)
    • A side effect of separating client and server validation is there can be a BLOB encrypted trait.
      "trait": {
      "type": "string"
      "ory.sh/kratos": {
      "client-validation": {
          "validator": xxxx
  3. Option to enable the vault. A protected data BLOB that is encrypted by a hash of the password/key. Follows the flows as in the first post of this issue. Would not be included in a /whoami request.

Combining these three options would enable end-to-end encryption. Furthermore, would enable complete flexibility in how one stores traits/keys/etc. There would need to be docs walking through how to use these three features in conjunction for things like asymmetric encryption/data sharing, e2ee, etc.

There is a fourth thing that would need to be implemented, would be a whole new flow of its own, vault updates. This flow would be for doing key rotations. Vault update flow

  1. Sends the password/key to the server along with the updated data BLOB.
  2. Hashes the password/key as during login to ensure it is correct.
  3. Protects the data BLOB by encrypting using the password/key hash
  4. Updates the old protected BLOB with the new protected BLOB
  5. Sends back a HTTP 200 if successful or HTTP 400 if unsuccessful
jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

This is how Bitwarden works which is what I am treating as industry standard: The hashed password is not being used as a key but is used to encrypt the key. The actual encryption key is a randomly generated key created during registration. This is encrypted with a KDF before being sent to the server. This allows for password changes without having to re-encrypt all of the data. In regards to leaking the password. The password would be hashed on the client side. The result would used to encrypt the key. The result would then be hashed some more before being sent to the server. This ensures only the client can decrypt the generated key. Notably all of this is done on the client side, not ory kratos. Therefore some good docs would need to be in place to show how to use these features correctly.

I am not sure exactly how social sign in works. But assuming that social sign in produces a key during registration that doesn't change, that key could be hashed and then used to encrypt the generated encryption key.

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the long wait time. I like the vault idea also - my question however would be if we actually want to trust Ory Kratos with encrypting the data? If we do, then it's not true e2e encryption as the system receives the key to decrypt the store.

Bitwarden, for example, decrypts the vault on the client side (afaik). So the key never leaves your device. Wouldn't we want the same here?

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

No worries. We agree on kratos not doing any encryption of data. I'll walk through more clearly of the vault encryption as it seems I haven't done that well enough.

Below is the flow of what bitwarden does on both the client and server side (page 8 of [bitwarden white paper]):(https://bitwarden.com/images/resources/security-white-paper-download.pdf): image

Now an example kratos vault only holding an AES key:

Client: The AES key is produced by the client (CSPRNG) on registration. All data encrypted using this encryption key. A KDF with the password as payload and identifier as salt is used to encrypt the AES key to get the client protected key. This is why we need separation of client/server side validation. Traits that are told to be encrypted on the client side still need ways to be validated.

Server: The reason further encryption is needed of the client protected key is we don't know the client's computing power. Therefore probably won't be using something like Argon2. If we do what bitwarden does and just store the client protected key in the database and the database was compromised the client protected key would be the weakest link. They would only need to attack the client protected key to find what password decrypts it. That is what is outlined in this blog post that I have linked to before.

The further encryption would be done by taking a second KDF of the authentication key using Argon2. This second KDF would then be used as the key to encrypt the client protected key to finally produce the vault. The salt used for the second KDF would be stored next to the vault.

I believe this layout makes the e2e encryption more clear. More generally, the vault essentially holds all the client protected keys. It is essentially for data that is produced in a way that is vulnerable to attacks. Maybe there can be an option to turn on/off this extra level of server side encryption if you don't see the need for it.

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

With the release of web hooks it seems that the vault could be implemented as a third party api server without needing to be a part of kratos itself which might be better. From my understanding the web hook can forward everything needed to create a vault (form data, headers, etc). I am imagining just using the after hook on the necessary flows. That way the implementation of a vault is up to the end user.

One question about web hooks is can they alter the http response to the user? For the login flow we need to somehow get the vault data to the user.

The option to disable password validation and configure client side trait validation would still need to be implemented though. What are your thoughts @aeneasr , should I create separate issues for them?

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

Hey @jordanisaacs sorry for the slow reply on my end - this is a difficult issue to wrap one's head around :) That concepts sounds really intriguing! I think it makes sense to have the vault capabilities built into Ory Kratos - and not rely on webhooks - because it would be great to have e2e encryption be a part of what this suite offers :)

Let's talk a bit about implementation, would you be open to contribute the plan laid out in https://github.com/ory/kratos/issues/1246#issuecomment-830855137 ?

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

No worries. It definitely is really complex!

I would be willing to contribute the plan as laid out. I am new to Go so I would work on the steps in increasing complexity: disable password validation, then client side validation, then actually working on the vault integration.

Before I start though I want to bring up this newish protocol that I found this past week that solves many of the problems I have been encountering when trying to spec out e2ee. Its called OPAQUE. It is an asymmetric PAKE (password-authenticated key exchange) with server salt. Here is a high level overview of it: https://blog.cloudflare.com/opaque-oblivious-passwords/. It is explained really well there. For an implementation of it this library, while in Rust, has really nice high-level docs overviewing the general steps of login/registration (https://docs.rs/opaque-ke/0.5.0/opaque_ke/index.html) that follows the most recent OPAQUE specs. Another nice blog post https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2018/10/19/lets-talk-about-pake/.

Why OPAQUE rather than an implementation like Bitwarden? A key part of Kratos is configurability and standards. As e2ee relies on the client to perform some critical security steps, using OPAQUE would provide a standard for the client side that Kratos would not need to deal with. Furthermore it allows for more configurability as it doesn't rely on using a username/password for the hash salt. Now a user can choose to login with any identifier rather than a specific identifier chosen as the salt. While OPAQUE is still in drafting stage I believe OPAQUE would serve Kratos better than a custom implementation.

How would OPAQUE fit in to Kratos? As I've stated before I am not experienced with social sign in but for passwords it would replace the password credential. A login/registration would follow the OPAQUE processes. As the authentication procedure itself holds a secret key, the vault process would be extremely simplified. The vault would just be a BLOB of data encrypted using the OPAQUE generated secret key during registration (all on the client). The client would re-encrypt the vault and update the server when the password changes (OPAQUE would generate our new secret). The vault can be provided with a simple GET request. And if the client needs to get the key to decrypt the vault again, they would just go through an authentication procedure where OPAQUE would provide the secret key. It reduces the complexity of the vault significantly as it rolls up the secret key, authentication, and client side passwords into one standard.

One thought to really make it integrate well with Kratos is accounts can have multiple credentials. However, OIDC accounts will not be secure as the I am assuming the key is provided by a third party. Therefore, the vault option is automatically enabled for any user as long as they have a password credential. To access the vault data, they would just need to re-authenticate using their password credential. So a user could quickly create/log into their account with OIDC but if they want to access their vault then they would create/authenticate with their password credentials. A sort of elevated process.

Here is the maintained Go library: https://github.com/bytemare/opaque/ (It is the one linked from the specification repo)

aeneasr commented 3 years ago

So I read through the different sources (including OPAQUE) and I think that we need to - before addressing which KDF to use - what use cases we want to support with e2e encryption as we’ll get lost in new methodologies and protocols as opposed to solving the concrete need.

So - imo - what we need is something along the BitWarden model where the client encrypts data before sending it to the server. To the server, the data is completely opaque and without use (so e.g. not an email address but my private diary) and the server can’t aid the client in en/decrypting the data.

Given that, the question is wether the server can implement anything that would help the client here. Should the server help in generating the KDF key? Or not? Shoild it help in encryption? Can it help?

I think we need to establish these basics before exploring different protocols! What do you think?

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

Yes, I agree. I will lay out the requirements + better explain why I introduced the idea of using OPAQUE in terms of these requirements. This is my first big idea/contribution to an open source project so I am still getting the hang of making sure I am clarifying everything in writing.

The vault idea that you brought up earlier has moved us beyond E2E encryption to the more extensible solution. The vault is at its core a secrets store. Every kratos user will have a vault (a blob of data) that only they can access. Therefore, any secrets (such as a users' actual data encryption keys) can be safely stored in the vault and synchronized across all clients. With that in mind here are the three concrete requirements I have produced, plus one requirement that needs further discussion.

Concrete Requirements

  1. There is an encrypted blob of data sitting on the server that can only be fully decrypted with information that the user holds. aka the information used to encrypt is never sent to the server.

To fulfill this requirement the encryption needs to be done on the client. The encryption key and its producing information can never leave the client. Otherwise, it is not secure anymore.

  1. The key to encrypt/decrypt this blob of data is hooked into login/registration. All information that the user needs to decrypt this blob of data is inputted during login/registration. As a result of this, the blob of data can be re-encrypted and updated during a password change. But will be lost during a password reset.

To fulfill this requirement, whether it is a pure KDF (Bitwarden) or a KDF encrypted envelope (OPAQUE), to enable the vault a KDF must be done on the client. Somehow, we need to derive/obtain the encryption key from the inputted data, then further obfuscate the inputted data before sending it to the server for authentication (to keep the encryption key/producing information a secret).

  1. The data generating the encryption key of the blob of data cannot be tied to the unique identifier (email/username/etc). This is so any identifier type can be used during login/registration.

This requirement is where the server finally has a role. The server will generate a salt for the KDF during registration, and provide the correct salt during login. This would either be inputted client side into the pure KDF (Bitwarden) or the KDF that encrypts the envelope (OPAQUE).

The three requirements I listed means there is lots of interactions of security and cryptography. It is an order of magnitude more complex then storing a simple hashed password on a server. That is why I recommended OPAQUE. It was built specifically to enable server-side salting (requirement 3) of a client side KDF (requirement 2). A side effect is that the envelope contains a randomly generated secret key (better than a key derived from the password) that can be used to encrypt the vault (requirement 1). Utilizing a formally proven standard seems like the only way to feasibly do this. OR we can remove requirement 3, tie it to an identifier, and perform a Bitwarden style hash process (laid out earlier in this issue). But then we lose key configurability that kratos provides in terms of identifiers and are offloading the complexity to the users of a kratos server. They are required to implement all the client side KDF and logic themselves.

Requirement (Needs Discussion) This will be abstracted over whatever we use for requirements 1-3:

  1. Should the vault be connected to a credential or a user? A one-to-one mapping of credentials to vaults is easy. Connecting multiple credentials (a user) to a single vault seems like it would difficult and would complicate the login and registration flows. Would somehow involve having multiple unique keys that can decrypt the same data. Is that even possible?
aeneasr commented 3 years ago

I see, thank you for the explanation. I think one important aspect would also be to check what methodologies are well supported in the ecosystem right now. For example, are there KDF implementations available for popular programming languages that follow the Bitwarden / OPAQUE / ... model?

So one the one hand I think we have to keep in mind the use case while also ensuring that the implementation is achievable by average implementers of the Ory stack.

jordanisaacs commented 3 years ago

Having a vault like this would require client-side computations as listed earlier. Therefore, a site using it would require Javascript and/or WASM which is not for every use case. Also, there is more complexity for the average implementer. Therefore, the vault should be a toggleable option for those who have a need for it. It should be stated clearly that some type of migration would require to switch to/from the vault model.

Bitwarden Model


ycgambo commented 3 years ago

seems like this is a lot of work. however, I just worries about plain text password on POST request, which causes middle-man attack.

vilkinsons commented 1 year ago

@aeneasr Appreciate you've moved this to unplanned (sorry to hear). Were there any further internal/follow-up discussions re: this you could share thoughts or outputs from? This is something we'll be interested in longer-term and I'd like to track. Thanks!

mitar commented 1 year ago

How does this design enforce password complexity policy? If the server-side receives an already hashed/encrypted password, then it cannot verify that password is of a required length, for example. Client-side is generally trusted, but somebody could manually do an API request/modify request to the server-side. It is true that in this case they would be making their own account less secure, but people are lazy and might want to do that.

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